HB - The Legal Corner Magazine #Issue 5

OMIC UPDATE regards to meeting net zero targets, it seems that the polls reflect two positions. The first that people are concerned about costs and the cost burden, reflected in the fact that in - renewable energy sources to tackle these costs. Maybe, this is seen as once again placing the burden on consumers, and not on energy providers?

flationary pressures and interest rates continue to be a bother; and that people feel that utilities should be taxed more. The second poll result which is interesting is that our audience doesn’t believe that the priority for the government should be on

As with the poll we ran earlier in the year, a skills shortage and staffing continue to be significant factors impeding growth. Clearly this remains a priority for businesses.

What should the Government’s priorities be leading into the next two quarters?

Which of the following are the greatest impediment to investment in your business?

Staffing 33%

Skills & Labour 29%

Taxing Utilities 43%

Interest Rates 50%

Energy & Renewables 0%

Energy costs 0%

Other 29%

Other 17%



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