Ardmag 'Borrow It' Edition: Oct 2023

When you’re sad, how do you treat yourself with love & Compassion? adapted from

“Good food, music and shopping.”

“I’m learning to give myself permission to sit with it and process it: “I’m sad and that’s ok because it’s human.” Then I treat myself to something easy like a tv show; and then I get back to doing, because once I’ve acknowledged it, my best bet for not dwelling on it is distraction and doing.”

“I think about what my younger self would say to me.”

“I bake my favorite vanilla sprinkle cake while blasting Taylor Swift sad songs.” “Crying hard and letting it out… writing down my feelings… drawing with crayons.”

“I drive to my favourite coffee shop.”

“Read a book in bed. Very regulating for me.”

“I look at the best memories captured in my camera roll.”

“I think about what my younger self would say to me.”

“Watch comfort movie, eat yummy food, put on face mask, hang out with friends.”

“I keep a journal where I write down all of the good things that happened to me that day. On the sad days, I look back at the journal and remind myself that I’m loved and am doing okay.”

“Journaling or going for a walk.”

“Slow down, guard my time, and take time to care for myself.”


“I tell myself it’s normal being sad. I accept the feeling and it helps me.”

“Validating my emotions. Writing my feelings down.”

“I let myself cry.”

“Pushing myself to dress up and go for a stroll somewhere with people, walk around.”

“I go for a walk in nature. Give myself permission to cry and feel my emotions.” “Self-care practices. Taking it easy. Reminding myself that the feeling will eventually pass.”

“Being proud of myself for feeling, without emotions we aren’t human. Also, comfort TV.” “I give myself a nice bath and just relax. Usually after I’m sad I have a skincare day.”

“Taking time to pass through it”

“Cook myself something I love.”

“I hangout with myself.”

“Listen to what my body needs.”

“Deep breaths and kind words.” 30

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