NSLHD Year in Review 2020

Peer workers support mental health consumers’ recovery

Peer workers with CE Deb Willcox

Peer workers are playing a vital role in supporting patients and carers across the district’s Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Services (MHDA) by sharing their experiences and personal journeys.

“They bring their lived experience and professional expertise to the multi-disciplinary teams to inform consumers’ care planning and service delivery.” Angela Hunter, Family and Carer Program Manager said “We also have nine carer peer workers who provide invaluable input into service delivery by using their lived experience of caring and peer work skills to promote positive change across all mental health and drug and alcohol services and systems.”

The district has 29 peer workers who come from all walks of life offering their valuable lived experiences to consumers and carers to support recovery. Peer workers work across inpatient, community and specialist services and are part of the MHDA workforce providing peer support to consumers and carers. They also form part of the multi-disciplinary teams caring for consumers and patients.

Recently Chief Executive Deb Willcox met with the peer workers and thank them for the personal perspective and support they provide. “We have 20 consumer peer workers who work in services to support the recovery journey of consumers. They walk alongside people offering peer support and wisdom from their own recovery and lived experience,” Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Engagement Manager Francesca Coniglio said.


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