Payroll Assurance Scheme (PAS)
The prestigious gold standard accreditation for your payroll processes and people Developed in partnership with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and launched in 2012, the PAS is the only industry kitemark to ensure your payroll processes and people are compliant and robust. Examining over 60 facets of your payroll operations, the scheme is consistently evolving and not only shows that lifelong learning and development is planned and encouraged, but that you’re dedicated to compliance and best practice in payroll, a huge accolade for staff, as well as ensuring procurement is much easier.
Every issue we want to recognise and celebrate those organisations which have successfully achieved, or retained, their accreditation. This month we would like to congratulate: l Tesco Bengaluru Private Limited (new accreditation) l Liberty Shared Services (VM Payroll and O2) (re-accreditation). Our chief executive officer, Jason Davenport, said, “Thank you and congratulations to all the organisations achieving their PAS accreditation. You’ve made a very clear commitment to your teams, customers and to our industry in demonstrating your excellence and professionalism, well done.”
TESTIMONIALS Hear from a few of our accredited organisations, on how PAS has benefited them.
Hodgsons: “Hodgsons are delighted to have achieved the PAS accreditation. The accreditation has confirmed that we have systems and processes in place that are robust and meeting ever-changing legislative requirements. This has been achieved with great teamwork within our business. “It has highlighted that we’re providing a trusted, compliant service to our clients and shows we’re committed to delivering our payroll service in an environment of continuous development, while improving processes to support our clients".
MP Payroll Solutions Ltd.: “Holding the PAS accreditation gives
Kingdom Housing Association Ltd.:
both clients and prospective clients great reassurance that their payroll will be handled by an organisation that puts quality at the forefront of everything that we do.”
"The payroll team at Kingdom was formed in 2019, due to an identified gap in the organisation which exposed it to key financial and payroll risks of non-compliance and error. We wanted to create a structure which was employee- centred, efficient, effective, provided clarity on accountability and would allow the professionalisation of payroll. “Going through the PAS accreditation has validated the processes we have in place, to the whole of the Kingdom Group and, positively, provided thoughts on how we can become even better.”
Simon Bailey ACIPP, managing director
Donna Greenhalgh ACIPP, payroll manager
Jacqui Hoskisson ACIPP, lead payroll officer
To find out more, visit our website or contact our PAS team:
| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |
Issue 76 | December 2021 – January 2022 Issue 95 | November 2023
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