2024 Carolina Classic Fair Competitive Entry Catalog


• PDCA endorses this code of ethics in all breed shows and will give full cooperative support to the judges and the respective national breed associations to keep show procedures within these guidelines. It is recognized that there are certain practices in the proper care and management of dairy cattle that are necessary in the coarse of moving dairy cattle to and between shows that are advisable to keep them in a sound, healthy state so they might be presented in the show ring in a natural, normal condition. Conversely, the following practices or procedures are considered unacceptable in the showing of cattle: Misrepresenting the age and/or milk status of the animal for class in which it is shown. • Treating the animal, particularly the udder, internally or externally, with an irritant or counter- irritant, or other substance to artificially improve the conformation. • Surgery or insertion of foreign matter under the skin or into body cavities, performed to change the natural contour or appearance of the animal’s body, though not to preclude practices required or involved in normal management. • Criticizing or interfering with the judge, show management or other exhibitors while in the show ring, or other conduct detrimental to the breed or the show. • Challenging, threatening, or interfering with an ethics committee appointed by show manage- ment to monitor the animals on exhibit on the show grounds. • Excessive manipulation of hair. The following violation is defined as unethical practice that detracts from the show ring and will be given slight to serious discrimination. Exhibitors will be asked to undo or remove the manipulation before they enter the ring or the judge will give the animal discrimination in class by lowering the animal’s class rank: • Setting teats or manipulating a teat to alter its normal position such as to unnaturally hold it plumb or to alter its length is an unacceptable practice. • The following minor violations are considered to detract from the image of the show when carried to excess and will be given slight to moderate discrimination by the judge when placing animals: • Improper fitting practices, such as overfilling and over bagging. • Use of artificial hair except for false switches. • Mistreatment of an animal. • Unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of showmen. • Practices which should be encouraged to enhance the image of the show: • Establish uniform dress code for exhibitors in the show ring. • Recognize good herdsmanship and exhibits in the barn. In keeping with the basic philosophy of the PDCA ethics are an individual responsibility of the owner of each animal shown. • Violations of these policies are subject to the disciplinary provisions of the appropriate dairy breed association and/or show management. • REGISTRATION PAPERS MUST BE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES. FOR ANIMALS BORN THIS YEAR, FAIR WILL ACCEPT A COPY OF APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION FROM BREED OFFICE. • NOTE: Premiums in cow classes will be increased by 50% for all cows that have a “ME” record of 10% above regional breed average for the state of NC. Two year olds will qualify for this increase if they have a projected “ME” record that meets the requirements. Exhibitors must bring the lifetime form for each cow or the long monthly herd form for the two year olds. Minimum requirements, by Breeds: AYRSHIRE - 18,796; BROWN SWISS - 22,528; GUERNSEY - 17,183 ; HOLSTEIN - 26,641; JERSEY - 18,119.


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