2024 Carolina Classic Fair Competitive Entry Catalog



• This division is open to PROFESSIONALS ONLY! Please no Amateurs! • Pre- enter on Carolina Classic Fair entry blank at the back of the catalog. Please include Federal ID number for Association on entry blanks. • IF YOU ENTER, YOU MUST COMPETE! All Categories MUST be Filled. • Entries are Open to Members of the Winston Salem Florist Association who: A) are in good stand- ing ( dues paid), B) are employees or Owners ( Please note: If a shop is a member of WSFA , then all employees are considered members . All employees may enter , but only one entry per person per category per Shop. (Cannot allow 2 employees from the same shop in the same category.) • Materials can be fresh, dried, natural, or silk, unless otherwise specified for a particular design (fresh Flowers are encouraged).All items considered to be a wearable (IE: Hat/ Headdress, Jewelry, Body Flower, Mask ) must be able to be wearable piece to present to the Judges. • Props, Accessories, or any other part of the exhibit may not be removed until the end of the show as stated by the Carolina Classic Fair Handbook. • Such Props and Accessories are at your own risk. The show Superintendent, Fair Committee, and the WSFA will Assume NO Responsibility for loss and/or damage to personal property. • Prize Monies will be donated to the Winston Salem Florist Association. • Each individual category may have its own additional set of rules and regulations. The WSFA will provide exhibitors with rules and regulations upon receipt of entry form. Judges and exhibitors will be advised of height and width restrictions.


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