2024 Carolina Classic Fair Competitive Entry Catalog


The following factors are general guides for the use of judges and exhibitors. The assignment of points for each factor in judging will be at the discretion of the judges. The moisture content of Honey entries will be checked by the superintendent upon receipt at the Fair, if requested. GUIDELINES FOR JUDGING Display Factors 1. Educational and advertising value 2. Showmanship: includes decoration, overall attractiveness and originality 3. Quality: includes overall display and component parts

20 points 30 points 15 points 5 points 30 points 100 points 40 points 30 points 30 points 100 points 70 points 30 points 100 points 30 points 25 points 30 points 15 points 100 points 25 points 5 points 20 points 10 points 20 points 10 points 10 points 100 points

Beeswax and Models Factors 1. Color: straw to canary yellow 2. Cleanliness: absence of honey, propolis and other impurities 3. Uniformity of appearance of all wax in entry 4. Aroma and texture 5. Quality and appearance of beeswax products Brood Combs Factors frames, assembly and cleanliness of wooden frames 2. Uniformity: uniformity of wooden frames and cells Creamed Honey Factors 1. Fineness of crystals 1. Quality: straightness of combs, freedom from irregular and excess drone cells, absence of pollen or propolis filled cells, comb built to bottom and corners of

2. Uniformity and firmness of product 3. Cleanliness and freedom from foam 4. Flavor and color Honey Mead or Wine Factors 1. Clarity

2. Color 3. Taste 4. Body 5. Bouquet 6. Bottles 7. Bottles closure


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