2024 Carolina Classic Fair Competitive Entry Catalog


B. Four (4) four of the following varieties of small vegetables: (12 specimen required in each variety) 1. Beans (snap) 2. Peas (field) 3. Peppers (hot) 4. Peanuts 5. Tomatoes, small (red or yellow) 6. Okra 7. October or Pinto Beans 8. Lima or Butter Beans C. Two (2) of the following varieties of larger vegetables: (2 specimen required in each variety) 1. Cabbage 2. Eggplant 3. Squash, winter D. Two (2) of the following varieties of largest vegetables: (1 specimen required in each variety) 1. Pumpkin 2. Watermelon 3. Cantaloupe 4. Citron

2. Herbs, fresh or dried Display one variety of herbs (Exhibitor’s choice). 3. Fruit A. Select two of the following varieties of fruit and display on a plate:

1. Apples, plate of 5 2. Pears, plate of 5 3. Persimmons, plate of 10

4. Grapes, plate of 20 5. Figs, plate of 5

B. Display one plate of dried fruit (Exhibitor’s choice). 4. Canned Fruit and Vegetables A. Exhibit five pints (Exhibitor’s choice). Must be canned from current years crop.


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