2024 Carolina Classic Fair Competitive Entry Catalog


Any breed in Jr. Beef Shows with two or less animals checked in, entries will be transferred to Commercial and Other Breed Group. Do not make entries for championships. Only first place winners in their respective classes shall be eligible to compete for championships. Second place winner in class producing champion is eligible to show for Reserve Champion. Animals compos - ing a herd or group need not be named in making an entry, but said herd or group must consist of animals entered in the individual classes, and exhibitor must indicate the class number for which he desires to make an entry. Fair management reserves the right to combine or alter classes that do not meet the minimum requirements of Show. Ex: Only one animal in a class, not enough animals to justify Championship classes, etc. • Ownership: Animals must be the bona fide property of exhibitors, except where otherwise specified. Registration papers or transfer showing ownership must be produced by exhibitor, if requested. In cases of get-of-sire and produce of dam, animals need not be owned by exhibitor 0except Hereford Show (all animals in the get-of-sire class must be owned by exhibitor or member of the family). Sires and dams in these groups must be named when an entry is made. Must have proof of ownership from sale and catalog, if requested. Firms or co-partnerships must be in existence thirty (30) prior to entry closing date. Firms or co-partnerships entered for show purpose will not be recognized, but cattle bred by a member of the firm or company shall be considered as bred by the company. No animal can be entered or shown as purebred unless they have been recorded in the recognized books of record for an premium paid to exhibitor or farm. For any animal calved or born in the current year, and not registered, the Fair will accept a copy of application form mailed from Breed office and stamped that application has been filled and animal will be registered. • Feeding and Bedding: Fair will furnish, if available, ONE BALE of straw per dairy animal and ONE BALE of straw per pen for sheep. All stalls in Livestock Barn will be bedded with mulch prior to opening of Fair. If available, additional bedding can be purchased. • Exhibitors will be permitted to being only a ONE DAY SUPPLY of hay or straw and Fair Management reserves the right to refuse admission of such if, in their judgment, there is an excessive amount. Space in the Livestock Barn is for exhibition purpose and not for storage of feed. Extra feed may be kept in the exhibitor’s truck. • Unloading and Loading Animals: Livestock trailers and vehicles will be permitted in Livestock Barn area only for unloading and loading of animals. Paved roadways around Livestock Barn must be left open at all times due to Fire Lane regulation. NO parking will be permitted around Livestock Barn after 1 pm daily. NO parking in front of Gate 10-Fire Lane! Vehicles violating these rules will be towed at the owner’s expense! Livestock vehicles must be parked in the lot below gate 8 and shall remain parked in this area until release time. • If an exhibitor at another Fair and cannot leave in time arrive at the Carolina Classic Fair by the requested time, please make a note on your entry blank or attach a note listing the name and address of the Fair. Exhibitors must arrive at the Carolina Classic Fair at least 24 hours after the time listed for animals to be in place.


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