2024 Carolina Classic Fair Competitive Entry Catalog


E02 - HERDSMEN’S AWARDS All herdsmen and caretakers in charge of beef and dairy will be automatically considered entrants in this contest, designed to promote neatness, courtesy, attention to show requirements, and all-around efficiency on the part of personnel in charge of animals on exhibit. The following score card will serve as the basis for the judges in making their decisions in the contest - ALL ITEMS ON SCORE CARD WILL BE USED TO DETERMINE WINNERS . Points Condition and cleanliness of herd

20 10 8

Neatness and cleanliness of herdsmen and helpers Courtesy and deportment of herdsmen and helpers Method of keeping feed and supplies Cleanliness of stalls Cleanliness of alleys Promptness in getting animals into and out of show ring Expertness evidenced in showing livestock Cooperation with officials in showing livestock

10 10 10 12 10 10 100

Premiums: 1st: $40 2nd: $ 30 3rd: $20 4th: $10 E-100 Beef E-101 Dairy


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