2024 Carolina Classic Fair Competitive Entry Catalog


HEALTH REGULATIONS ALL ANIMALS : The animal health regulations of the Veterinary Division of the North Carolina Depart - ment of Agriculture and Consumer Services (NCDA&CS) will be strictly enforced, and decisions of the regulatory veterinarian concerning animal health status are final. All animals not meeting the entry requirements, that have an unthrifty nature or are in an unsuitable condition, and/or are exhibiting any signs of disease or illness (including obvious abscesses that are opened or closed, ringworm, soremouth or any other signs of contagious disease) may be refused entry and will not be allowed in the barn/display, may be isolated and/or required to be returned to the farm of origin as determined by the regulatory veterinarian. Any questionable health problems will be referred to the regulatory veterinarian, show committee, and/or the State Veterinarian. During the duration of the Fair, all animals of unthrifty nature, unsuitable condition and/or exhibiting any signs of disease or illness or found not to have met entry requirements after entry may be requited to be isolated and/or returned to the farm/premise of orgin as determined by the regulatory veterinarian. The Fair staff works diligently to prevent diseased animals from entering the fairground, though owners should consider that animals may be exposed to infectious agents while at the Fair. It is a best man - agement practice to keep exhibit animals returning from the Fair separate from your animals at home for 2-3 weeks. By isolating exhibited animals for this time, any animals exposed to disease while at the Fair should show signs of infection during this period. Once this period has passed, they can then be commingled with the animals that remained home. MARKET LAMBS: Are required to have an entrance health examination at time of check-in as a pre - requisite for entry onto the fairgrounds and will not be allowed to be unloaded on the fairgrounds or enter the barns until inspected and passed by health officials. All livestock must have a form of identification (ear tag, tattoo, ear notch, or microchip -readers must be supplied by owner) to enter the fairgrounds. All sheep and goats must comply with USDA and NC - DA&CS Scrapie Eradication Program guidelines. Sheep and goats without a scrapie tag or a registra - tion paper with corresponding tattoo or microchip information at the time of check-in will not be allowed. Scrappie Flock ID numbers must be presented at the time of check-in before an approval card can be issued. The Scrapie Flock ID number is not the same as the National or State Premises ID number. To obtain a Scrapie Flock ID number, please see the Goat and Sheep entry requirements section. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY : Drug and Chemical Compounds Policy for all NCDA&CS Sponsored Fairs, Exhibitions, and Events. The use of any drug and/or chemical compound in any manner that is not approved by the FDA, including but not limited to indications and directions on species, age, dosage amounts and/or withdrawl times, is illegal and prohibited. The owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer and/or responsible person must notify the show management prior to admittance into the livestock/poultry barns of any animal that is being administered drugs or chemical compounds in accordance with approved FDA guidelines for the sole purpose of protecting the health of the animal. Acceptance of the animal for exhibition will be at the discretion of the animal superin - tendent and the show veterinarian and will depend on such factors as the nature of the drug or chem -


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