2024 Carolina Classic Fair Competitive Entry Catalog


D. Entries in classes at any Red Angus show are accepted with the understanding that each exhibitor agrees to comply with to the rules and regulations of the Red Angus Association with reference to in - spection of entries, such as blood typing, mouthing and such other inspections prescribed by the Red Angus Association of America. E. Any animal entered in a Red Angus show found to have an illegible tattoo, improper or incorrect tattoo, or dental development in excess of allowable limits, will be disqualified for that and subsequent Red Angus shows. Reinstatement of animals thus disqualified can be authorized only by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Red Angus Association of America. F. Each Exhibitor and/or owner of Red Angus cattle entered in any Red Angus show or exhibition is required to insure that each animal will be exhibited in its natural conformation and structure and with - out any alterations or modifications, with the exception of acceptable fitting, grooming and treatment of hooves. 1. Unacceptable modification, alteration, grooming, fitting or treatment of hooves will subject the individual animal to disqualification in the show. OWNERSHIP A. Each entry in a Red Angus show must be made in the name of the owner of record, or a member of the intermediate family of the family of record, appearing on the Registration Certificate. B. Partnership animals must be so registered and entered under the partnership designation. C. Exhibitors must have official Registration Certificates on all entries available for inspection by show and/or Association officials. This may include officially produced copies of original Registration Certifi - cates obtainable at no charge from the Red Angus Association National Office. D. Animals entered in any Red Angus show for which application for registry has “been applied for” must have a Letter of Eligibility from the Red Angus Association National Office, that such papers are in process. In the case of calves too young to register, the letter will state that the animal is “eligible for registration.” E. Animals entered in any Red Angus show must have been registered in the name of the person entering said animals not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of judging. F. Substitutions for animals already entered in a Red Angus show will be permitted up to and includ - ing seven (7) days previous to the announced date of judging, providing such substitution(s) is/are permitted by the show management. All General Rules of the Livestock Exposition will apply. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to be com - pletely familiar with the show regulations governing their breed.


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