2022 FL EOP Resource Guide

Zone Gulf Atlantic

Controlling Important Pests

Fire ants pose health risks to humans and pets who inadvertantly come into contact with these stinging insects. (Bayer)

Fire ants can cause turf damage from their mounding and are best controlled with TopChoice ® . (Bayer)

Red Imported Fire Ants Red imported fire ants ( Solenopsis invicta ) are currently found in 14 states and Puerto Rico. Their aggressive stinging when disturbed can cause burning and itching followed by pustules and potentially secondary infections, or nausea, chest pains, or worse in hyper-sensitive individuals.

Product and Rate

Application can be made only to APHIS quarantine areas

Puerto Rico, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, North and South Carolina Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and the Coachella Valley in California www.aphis.usda.gov/plant_health/plant_pest_info/ fireants/downloads/fireant.pdf

TopChoice ®1 87 lbs/A

1 TOPCHOICE IS A RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDES DUE TO TOXICITY TO AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES. For retail sale to and use only by Certified Applicators or persons under their direct supervision and only for those uses covered by the Certified Applicator’s certification. The Bayer Fire Ant Program provides control for up to 12 months. If your Bayer Fire Ant Program performance expec- tations are not met, just contact your Bayer Distributor or Bayer Area Sales Manager.

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