2022 FL EOP Resource Guide

Hawaii Seashore Paspalum Greens Season-long Application Schedule Product rate per 1,000 sq. ft. – Water in application if highlighted 1

Low Disease Pressure

Moderate to High Disease Pressure

Month Week

Lexicon ® Intrinsic ® 0.47 fl oz

Lexicon Intrinsic 0.47 fl oz

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Exteris SG 4 fl oz


Signature ™ XTRA Stressgard ® (SG) 4 oz + Banol ® 2 fl oz

Signature XTRA SG 4 oz + Banol 2 fl oz

Tartan ® Stressgard ™ (SG) 2 fl oz + Banol 2 fl oz

Tartan SG 2 fl oz + Banol 2 fl oz

Daconil Ultrex 3.2 oz


Lexicon Intrinsic 0.47 fl oz

Lexicon Intrinsic 0.47 fl oz

Tartan SG 2 fl oz

Mirage ® SG 1 fl oz + Signature XTRA SG 4 oz + Banol 2 fl oz

Mirage SG 1 fl oz + Signature XTRA SG 4 oz + Banol 2 fl oz

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Interface SG 4 fl oz or 26GT 4 fl oz Signature XTRA SG 4 oz + Banol 2 fl oz


Signature XTRA SG 4 oz + Banol 2 fl oz

Heritage ® TL 2 fl oz

Mirage SG 1 fl oz + Segway ® 0.45 fl oz

Mirage SG 1 fl oz + Segway 0.9 fl oz

Exteris SG 4 fl oz

Exteris ® SG 4 fl oz


Tartan SG 1.5 fl oz Mirage SG 1 fl oz Daconil Ultrex 3.2 oz

Mirage SG 1 fl oz

Daconil ® Ultrex ® 3.2 oz


Interface ® SG 4 fl oz or 26GT ® 4 fl oz

Interface SG 4 fl oz or 26GT 4 fl oz

Mirage SG 1 fl oz

Mirage SG 1 fl oz


Mirage SG 1 fl oz

Mirage SG 1 fl oz

Mirage SG 1 fl oz

Mirage SG 1 fl oz


Mirage SG 1 fl oz

Mirage SG 1 fl oz


Mirage SG 1 fl oz Tartan SG 2 fl oz

Mirage SG 1 fl oz Tartan SG 2 fl oz


Interface SG 4 fl oz or 26GT 4 fl oz

Interface SG 4 fl oz or 26GT 4 fl oz

Lexicon Intrinsic 0.47 fl oz

Lexicon Intrinsic 0.47 fl oz


Exteris SG 4 fl oz

Signature XTRA SG 4 oz + Banol 2 fl oz

Signature XTRA SG 4 oz + Banol 2 fl oz

Exteris SG 4 fl oz

Tartan SG 2 fl oz + Banol 2 fl oz

Tartan SG 2 fl oz + Banol 2 fl oz

Daconil Ultrex 3.2 oz


Segway 0.45 fl oz

Segway 0.9 fl oz

Interface SG 4 fl oz or 26GT 4 fl oz Tartan SG 1 fl oz + Banol 2 fl oz

Tartan SG 1 fl oz + Signature XTRA SG 4 oz + Banol 2 fl oz

Interface SG 4 fl oz or 26GT 4 fl oz


Segway 0.45 fl oz

Segway 0.9 fl oz

52 Suggested timings only, use local weather to optimize applications; charts highlight periods of typical disease activity, some suggested treatments will treat multiple diseases. Always read and follow label instructions carefully. Maximum use rates (or rate ranges) and number of applications have been followed according to labels. It is important to verify a product’s registration in your state before using (not all products are registered in all states; see the label).

Dollar spot is the primary disease of seashore paspalum. (Bayer)

Fairy ring affects both bermudagrass and seashore paspalum greens in Hawaii, and it can be best controlled be preventative applications well ahead of symptoms. (Bayer)


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