Logo + Tagline
Logo + Tagline
DeSoto_Logo_Stacked_SMTL_4c_Gradient RGB | CMYK |.AI | EPS | PNG | SVG
DeSoto_Logo_Stacked_SMTL_4c_Flat RGB | CMYK | PMS |.AI | EPS | PNG | SVG
The tagline is designed to reinforce that DeSoto has so much to offer it’s residents and visitors. The serif font mixed with the script helps add a personal touch to the message and also helps to highlight that “So” and to” are part of the city name. When designing creative, make sure the tagline is prominantly displayed close to the brand mes- sage. It should serve as a preface or a sign-off to any campaign message.
While the primary logo/tagline lockup is preferred, there will be instances where size color or printing restrictions apply. Please select a secondary logo that best suits your creative and production needs.
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