King's Business - 1919-02

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S 105 Then let the immense fortifications of the Hindenburg line impress you. Think of the laborers and prisoners who worked on these mammoth cement underground srtuctures. Ponder the buildings and equipment of our own cantonments. Then consider the immense ship yards where an ocean liner has been brought into being as by magic. Think of these titanic achievements in less than five years and most of them in the past three years, and you will have no difficulty in believing what the Scriptures have to say about the future events of Palestine and the rebuilding of a Jewish temple. —W. H. P. É k BOOK REVIEW DEPARTMENT Many of our read ers will be gratified to know th a t Dr. Torrey has consented to edit the Book Review D epartment. It behooves Christians in these times to exercise th e g reatest of care in the selection of books. Dr. Torrey’s discussions, we are sure, will be highly valued by many.

CHURCHLESS SUNDAYS The w ar b rough t us “ gasless Sun­ days,” b u t it has tak en a plague to bring us ehurchless Sundays. One of th e things th a t a churchless Sunday is impressing upon th e community is th e need for church service. People who seldom w ent into churches now are dem anding th a t they be opened for worship. Sorrow and death have vis­ ited so many homes in th e past few weeks th a t th ere are thousands who are th ink ing about God as they never did before. We v en tu re to say th a t the com fort th e reading of th e Bible

brings, is again being discovered in a m u ltitude of instances. May it no t be th a t God designed th a t th rough th is plague those who had forgotten Him should be rem inded of th e ir opportun­ ity to tu rn to H im for peace and help? — The Monitor. ftst A SMILE . “ If I knew th a t th e ligh t of a smile M ight linger th e whole day through And lighten some h eart W ith a heavier p art, I wouldn’t w ithhold it— Would you?”.

COME, LORD JESUS We begin to hear on every hand of individuals who love His appearing, and of conferences'in nearly every Christian center, convened primarily to learn more of this wonderful theme. Such a cry for Jesus to come as has not been heard since the days of the early Church, is now ascending to His glad ears from the saints in every comer of the earth. He cannot_ He will not delay much longer, for it is for this He has been so long waiting.—Garrison.

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