King's Business - 1919-02

g Really R emarkable R emarks 1 m HELPFUL TH OU GH T S FROM M A N Y MEM m

A living Christ in living men is a living sermon. He who would und erstand the false­ hood and deceit of sin m u st compare its prom ises and its paym ents together. G reatness is revealed in th e way it tre a ts th e little man. Our song of praise can never be checked unless we rejoice in circum ­ stances and in things around us, more th an in' God Himself. We are not to be troubled th a t we have no more FROM God, b u t we need to be troubled th a t we do no t do more FOR God; It is h ard for a man to pray accord­ ing to God’s will, if he does no t live according to it. Even giving one’s life for “ old glory” will no t fu rn ish a passport to glory. Nothing is done b eau tifu lly which is done in rivalship, nor nobly which is done in pride. Trouble does not benefit people by its own direct influence. It is only as God comes w ith it and we receive it in yieldedness, obedience and confi­ dence, th a t it is made a blessing. Those who bring sunshine to th e lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. There is no use arguing w ith the inevitable; th e only argum en t w ith th e east wind is to p u t on your overcoat. If th e K ing is indeed n ear of kin to us, th e royal likeness will be recogniz­ able. The self denial of ou r Lord Jesus Christ is th e best argum en t against th e selfishness of Christians. “ Deserved” is w ritten on the door of hell, b u t on th e door of heaven and life, “The free g ift.”

The wisdom of God does no t go from the head down, b u t from th e h ea rt up. A good conscience is to th e soul w hat health is to the body. When we w ant to know w hat is the secret of dead churches and dead souls it is a very simple one— they have ceased to he m issionary. The Christian is no t ruined by living in th e world, b u t by th e world living in him. L ittle faith will b ring your soul to heaven, b u t g reat faith will bring heaven to your soul. God has no enemy, and Satan no tool, like th e zealous professor of Chris­ tia n discipleship whose life is not actu ­ ally directed and sustained by th e indwelling Son of God. Keep your tem p er—nobody else w ants it. W itnessing for th e tru th is not tren ch w arfare. Men who stand for Christ must stand in th e open. There is nothing so despoils the streng th and beau ty of a life as to be continually asking, “W hat will men th in k of it? ” ""One of th e pu rest treasu res a mortal life affords is a spotless reputation. If we’d all get on fire for God, we’d scare th e devil. If we haven’t enough religion to drive us to share it w ith all th e world it is doomed h ere a t home. In th is world a man must either be an anvil or a hammer. There are many women who are sin­ gle because they are singular. B etter have a black eye in defense of th e tru th th a n a black h e a rt th rough a mummy inertia. The more education a man has, the more he needs th e power of God.

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