King's Business - 1919-02




Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students


Your atten tion is called to th e spe­ cial message on “The Influenza and The In stitu te ” on page 116.

t Today has been Mr. Saunders’ b irth ­ day, and Consequently a very happy day for all of us. This morning it gave us g reat pleasure in seeing Mr. Saunders’ appreciation of his b irthd ay presents. Elans were made by th e chief steward and pu rser (a Mr. Paton, grandson of the g reat John G. P aton ) for a b irth ­ day dinner. A beautiful b irthd ay cake was baked by th e Chinese chef. Because of th e large num ber of passen­ gers, it has been necessary for our party to sit a t two separate tables during the voyage, bu t it was arrang ed th a t we m ight all be together a t dinner, so for th e first tim e since we left San F ra n ­ cisco our p arty enjoyed th e fellowship of a meal all together. A fter his tw enty-four voyages, Mr. Saunders says th e re have been excep­ tional opportunities for w itnessing on th is trip. W ith about thirty-five mis­ sionaries aboard, we have had a pre­ vailing voice in affairs on the ship. Mr. Saunders is head of a comm ittee th a t has arrang ed two church services on Sundays and prayer m eeting on Wednesday nights. Every morning, from ten to ten -th irty , th ere is a time of E|ible study and prayer th a t has been attended by twenty-five or th irty peo­ ple every morning. Our p arty has a prayer meeting at. six in the evening, and we have impromptu song services a t any tim e of day. We praise the Lord th a t we have been able to touch many lives:—two U. S. sailor boys gave th e ir h earts to th e Lord before leaving th e ship a t Honolulu, bu t more have been reached in th e many services th a t have been held. L ast Sunday n igh t our p arty had en tire charge of evening wor­ ship, and had any of our friends from th e In stitu te suddenly arrived (by wireless ro u te ), they would have felt,

News F rom Saunders P arty Miss Carolyn Lovejoy of th e Saun­ ders party, enroute for China, w rites to “ friends a t th e In stitu te ” of many in te r­ esting happenings of th e journey. Leav­ ing th e ship for a look around Hono­ lulu, th ey had a happy su rp rise on th e ir retu rn . She says: “When we got back to th e ship a g reat surprise awaited us, for Mr. and Mrs. Saunders, retu rn in g earlier to th e ship th a n th e others, had ju s t been talk ing to Allyn Cooke who arrived a few hours la ter th a n we on th e Tenyo Maru, a Japanese ship th a t left a day a fte r we did from San Francisco. This seems the most abund an t reason for thanksgiving— th a t our p arty has no t been broken; in fact, we expect th a t from Nagasaki th e S. S. China will con­ vey all fourteen of th e Saunders p arty to Shanghai. Isn ’t it ju st like the Lord to tu rn our sorrow a t leaving a lonely disappointed boy waving farew ell to us in San Francisco into joy a t having him welcome us in Yokohama, and join us in Nagasaki? Those of our p arty who had suffered from colds and th e novel sensation of being rocked in th e cradle of the deep, having recovered, we are becoming very proficient and almost eloquent in the M andarin tongue. Our m inds have been so well trained a t the In stitu te th a t Chinese holds no te rro rs for us. We can count to ninety-nine, and w ith g reat m ental effort execute ( !) a few sentences, and can recognize, under fa­ m iliar circum stances, fo rty a t least of the fo rty thousand Chinese characters!

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