King's Business - 1919-02

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S A fine g irl has come to th e home of Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Wheatley, form er students. Mrs. W heatley was Miss Viola Hansen. Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Booth, form er studen ts who have been located at F arm ersville, Calif., have accepted a call to th e union church a t Manteca, Calif. Word has been received th a t H arry F. Sheerer, a stud en t w ith the forces in F rance, was severely wounded on No­ vember 11, ju st prior to th e ceasing of hostilities. Andrew S tew art w rites from F rance th a t he was gassed and has been in ' th e hospital for a month. L. F. Peckham , form erly music director in th e In stitu te, has been a camp music director w ith th e W ar Work Council and w rites th a t he expects to be sent to France. Carl C. DeMott, a studen t, w rites th a t he was made assistan t to th e chap­ lain of his reg im en t and has been able to keep reg u lar Bible classes going. Clifford Beaty, w rites from England th a t he was made inspector of all planes having American crews. He says, “His grace is sufficient for every need in a soldier’s life, j Christ gives an uncomprom ising victory over S atan .” Dr. W illiam Evans is ju st recovering from a severe attac k of influenza. Mrs. Howard I. Lehm an (form erly Ada L. Septer, 1914) sails w ith h er husband about Ja n u ary 1, 1919 for U ruguayana, U raguay, S. A., to tak e up work a t Union College under th e M. E , South Society. Martin L. Thomas, 1918, who entered McCormick Seminary, Chicago th is F all, w rites th a t he has been elected presi­ dent of th e Ju n io r class. He is filling th e p asto rate of th e F irs t P resbyterian church of Harvey, 111., and would ap­ preciate th e prayers of his friends for th e work there. Rev. Geo. E. Rainsberger, Downs, 111., h as been given a certificate for completion of th e correspondence

118 quite a t home in hearing our rendition of “B ringing Back th e K ing,” “ Grace enough for me,” and o ther songs dis­ tin ctly associated w ith our In stitu te home.” ---------- There will be a g radu ating class of about fifteen persons th e la st of De­ cember, th e larg est ever g radu ating at a m id-year graduation. A large num ber of th e stud en ts who were called in to th e arm y eith er by enlistm ent or d raft, have made arran g e­ ments to retu rn . There is also a large enrollm ent of new stud en ts w ith the prospects-th a t th e Ja n u ary increase will be th e larg est in th e h isto ry of the In stitu te. Dr. Elwood P. Lyon has been giving a series of lectures on th e Book of Revelation in Biola Hall. There has been an excellent in terest in the course. Sunday afternoon men’s meetings of th e old fashioned order were begun a t Biola Hall, December 8. Dr. F rench Oliver was th e speaker and th e re was an encouraging attend ance and an excellent spirit. P ray th a t th is new branch of th e In stitu te work may be made very fru itfu l in th e saving of souls. Mr. Delevan Pierson, secretary of th e A. T. Pierson Memorial Bible School a t Seoul, Korea, w rites to Mr. H orton: “ i t is over seven years since my honored fath e r was called home. Soon afte r he fell asleep, you and othei: friends made it possible by gifts and p ray ers to found a Bible School in K orea to perpetuate his memory and to continue th e m inistry to which his life was devoted. The School has now been in operation for six years, valu­ able property has been acquired, build­ ings, have been constructed, and the whole work is progressing most encour­ agingly. Several classes of students have been g radu ated and th e past year was th e best in its history. W ill you pray th a t God’s blessing may re st upon it? ”

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