King's Business - 1919-02

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with Unsaved People

man m ust no t only believe his Chris­ tianity, b u t be a Christian. — Don Shelton.

WHY THE DEACON DIDN’T ARR IVE' A prom inent deacon in a well-known church was seriously ill. As he was very popular among th e congregation, a bulletin-board was posted in fron t of the church to inform his friends of his condition. It re a d : “ One o’clock. Deacon Jones very ill.” “Two o’clock. Deacon Jones is'w orse and sinking rapidly.” “Three o’clock. Deacon Jones dead.” A wag passing by th a t evening read th e bulletin, find seeing no one in sight, added a t th e bottom : “ Seven o’clock. G reat excitement in heaven. Deacon Jones has no t arrived. The w orst is feared .” Commenting on th is The Lookout, of Cincinnati, says: The Galveston News is responsible for this. The “ prom i­ n en t deacon” and th e “well-known church” in th is p articu lar case may ' have originated in th e fertile im agina­ tion of some newspaper jokesm ith. However, th e re are Deacon Joneses about whom th a t seven o’clock bulle­ tin m ight well have been written. We sometimes get the idea in our heads th a t a fellow who has believed, repented, been baptized and had his name properly en tered on th e church ro ll is sure of eventual en try into the glory world. Biit— The mere fact th a t a man is in the church won’t save him. You m ight as well try to make a 1732-model chaise into a 1919-model m otorcar by runn ing it into your 1919- model garage. Christianity is no outw ard form , it is a m a tte r of th e h e a rt and life. A


It is b etter to go w ith a few to heaven, th an w ith a m u ltitud e to hell, and be damned for th e sake of company. — Dr. P arr. BEWARE OF NEUTRALITY The question, “Who is on th e Lord’s, side?” cannot be answered satisfacto r­ ily by words, for actions speak louder th a n words. Jesus said, “Not every one th a t saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall en ter into th e kingdom of heaven; bu t he th a t doeth the will of My F a th e r which is in heaven” (Matt. 7 :2 1 ). Many are standing on n eu tra l ground in religious m atters, while they are very decided in other things, b u t in h e a rt they cannot possibly rem ain neu­ tral. Jesus said, “He th a t is not w ith Me is against Me: and he th a t gath- ereth no t w ith Me sc attereth ” (Luke 1 1 :23 ). A certain g reat poet says th a t men who are n eu tra l are despised both of heaven and hell. “ God will have all or none; serve Him, or fall Down before Baal, Bel, or Belial; E ith e r be hot or cold; God doth despise/ Abhor, and reje ct all n eu tra lities.” — D. B. Rote. N llfll a » WHAT’S YOUR FOUNDATION? O ther foundation can no man lay th a n th a t is laid, which is Jesus, Christ — 1 Cor. 3:11. “Whosoever cometh to me and hear-

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