King's Business - 1919-02


Sticking to th e Job W ins It is now something over four years since we began visiting one p articu lar place to w itness for our risen Lord Jesu s Christ and win someone SHOP from th e aw ful w reck as a WORK trophy of H is w onderful grace. We found it stiff, uphill work, securing a good sub stan tial footing among th e men who were n atu rally suspicious, indifferent and easily bored, b u t in answer to p ray er God gave pa­ tience, ta c t and love. Sometimes it looked like a loosing game, b u t we were w alking by faith and no t by sight. The boys grew sarcastic, th en we ra n th e tide of derision, open ho stility and rid i­ cule, b u t God gave more grace as we came back at them with His Word which th e Spirit used as hamm er and sword. G radually th e atm osphere cleared; some days it would go down to zero and again th ere would be a decided rising in th e tem peratu re. Sometimes we would go home discouraged and heartsick, b u t God k ep t us praying and coming back. Several of th e men left, a couple of them died, b u t still no break till one n igh t in th e second year a g reat burden of prayer came on us fo r th e chief man. God had been speaking to him th rough th e death of his fath er and some close friends and th e next visit th e first b reak came in his su r­ rend er and public confession of the Lord. A few weeks ago ano th er of th e boys sen t for us to ta lk to his dying fath e r whom we had th e joy of point­ ing to Christ. This was used of God for his own fu rth e r aw akening and con­ viction and now we are seeing th e Word of God tak in g roo t in his life. Still ano ther who in younger days had made

a profession is melting, while a fou rth is “ alm ost persuaded Christ to receive.” And as we gathered the men around last week and beginning a t Moses and th e prophets, expounded • in all the Scriptures the things concerning Him­ self, we held the men for over two hours, all eager, in terested and asking questions. We could no t b u t con trast th a t m eeting w ith those first ones held over fou r years previous and w ith a h e a rt of g ratitu d e cry out, “ O the depths of th e riches both of th e wisdom and knowledge of God, how unsearch­ able are H is judgm ents and His ways past finding o u t.”—David Cant, Supt. As You Go, Sow. One of the joys of Christian service is th a t of hearing from those, who through the grace of God you have been able to lead to Him. How it th rills you to read th e ir let- WORK AT te rs and see in' ’each RIOLA HALL word th a t they w rite how they are growing in grace and in th e knowledge of Him, whom having no t seen they love. Several months ago, a t th e close of one of our services, we were led to speak to a young man about his soul’s salvation and found th a t he was unsaved. F o r some tim e we opened to him th e Scriptures, showing him as best we could the simple plan of salva­ tion. A t la st he decided th a t he would ta k e Jesus to be his personal Saviour, so we gave H im a Bible, and le t him go. The next day we were constrained to w rite him a le tte r and ask him to come and give his testim ony in th e Saturday evening meeting. He came and n igh t

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