King's Business - 1919-02



after night, when the time came for testi­ monies, he stood to' his feet and testified to the fact th a t God had saved him. Then one n igh t he came to the worker and said, “Well, I leave day afte r tomorrow fo r camp, going in the d ra ft.” He bade us good-bye, and w ith a prom ise to w rite and let us know how he was getting along, he took his leave. A few days ago, we heard from him, and th is is one of th e things, among others th a t he said, “How often I th ink of th e splendid services a t th e Biola Hall, and wish to be there. I have read th e Bible you gave me considerably; God bless you in your C hristian w ork.” So, th is is one of the many instances where we see th a t our labor has' not been in vain, and where we see th a t money invested in work like th is is bound to bring fo rth fru it. M. H. Reynolds, Asst. Supt. The Rabbi Won’t T alk Qne of th e w orkers of th is d ep art­ m ent was called on th e telephone a sho rt tim e ago and asked, by a young Jewess who had recently been con­ verted, to go w ith her JEW ISH to visit a certain Jew- DEPARTMENT ish Rabbi of th is city. It seems, th e sister of th is Jewess, was very much opposed to th e step she had tak en and had been doing all in her power to persuade h er to leave Christianity and go back to Judaism . She even w ent so far as to study th e Scriptures for th e purpose of refu tin g h er sister’s claims. Failing w ith tears, en treaties, argum ents, rid i­ cule and h arsh words to change th e converted sister’s views, she asked her as a la st resort, to go to see a certain Jew ish Rabbi, whom she felt sure; would be able to win h er back to Ju d a­ ism. On receiving h er sister’s prom ise to go to see th e Rabbi, she imm ediately w rote th a t Rabbi, telling him of th e

intended visit and asking him to con­ vince h er sister th a t she was making a m istake in becoming a Christian. About two years ago th e w orker who accom­ panied th is young Jewess to th e Rabbi’s home, had an interview w ith the same Rabbi who became quite angry and abruptly term inated th e interview when shown th a t it was inconsistent to hold th e view th a t Jesus Christ was a good man, b u t no t God. The worker, hoping th a t he would not be recognized, was looking forw ard to an opportunity of dealing personally w ith th e Rabbi or a t least of showing th a t Judaism could no t advance a single valid reason for a Jew who h ad become a Christian to tu rn back to Judaism . Much to his disappointm ent th e Rabbi recognized th e w orker w ith the words, “You are from th e Bible In stitu te, are you n o t? ’’ When th e young Jewess stated th e object of her visit th e Rabbi said, “ I would be glad to ta lk w ith you about these things alone, but I have nothing to say to you in th is m an’s presence.” As we were leaving he said, though he did no t intend it to be a compli­ ment, “The Bible In stitu te is very zeal­ ous in th e m aking of converts,”- The w orker was amused to th in k th a t this Rabbi is in an excellent position to judge in th e m a tte r because five or six of his congregation have been con­ verted th rough th e in strum en tality of th e Bible In stitu te workers. A week la ter ano th er member of this same Rabbi’s Synagogue became a Christian. She was th e sister of a Jew ­ ish g irl who had been converted months before in one of our meetings. A fter much urging she was persuaded to attend a few meetings and one or two Bible classes in our Mission Home. The la st Bible class she -attend ed occurred on th e same day as h er first wedding anniversary. A year la te r on her sec­ ond anniversary, she spent the after­ noon a t th e Mission Home and though indifferent to her own sp iritu al needs

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