King's Business - 1919-02

130 the help which th is means of convey­ ance would afford it would be possible to get to many of these places during th e week day afternoons, holding classes for th e children, and by th is means reaching th e fath ers and m others.— R. H. Bender, Supt. Definite Leadings In P ersonal W ork Many tim es in th e past m onth God’s leading was m anifested to th e worker. One vessel seemed to be especially b rough t to his atten tion and, although th e tim e was very short SEAMEN’S and th e re were many WORK o th er boats ready to tak e longer trips, he was led to board th is boat scheduled for Hono­ lulu. Several good interview s were had on th e vessel and special care tak en to reach every man w ith literatu re . God was dealing w ith the hearts, b u t no visible resu lts came to ligh t, which puzzled the worker. Why did He lead so definitely and why was th e re no visible sign? The answer came later. This vessel when ou t a few days from p o rt encountered a terrific storm . L ightning stru ck th e deck of th e boat loaded w ith gasoline, w ith dynam ite below. Everyone knew th e la st hour for many had come and while some were saved, carried about for days and days in a bo at and open ra ft, h alf of th e crew or more m et in stan t death. Had He not led so definitely these men would never have been reached, th e w arning could no t have been given. Who b u t God knows how th is one or th e o th er was suddenly rem inded of the tra c t given him?:—“T rying to g et to Heaven w ithou t a Saviour.” ( “He Had No Song.” ) (Anyone desiring a real good trac t, cannot afford to be w ithout th is one. God has used th e message of th is tra c t in a real way on th e ships. 20c per hundred. Biola Book Room.) One of th e hardships in th e Seamen’s W ork is th e fact th a t it is difficult to

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S keep in touch w ith th e men reached. W ere it no t fo r th e fact th a t th e Holy Sp irit follows th e men saved, th e case would be hopeless. How com forting th e fact th a t once He enters a life He never leaves it; though often He is grieved. A man reached four years ago Was lo st sigh t of a fte r his conversion and in spite of inquiry no t located. How was he g etting along in th e Christian life? This was to be seen in a very unex­ pected way. How w onderful are His ways! Stepping off th e tra in in a little d esert town, th e w orker m et th is same fellow, now a t work on land, tru stin g in th e Lord and overjoyed to meet th e man who had won him to th e Lord. God had wonderfully led and k ep t him. P ra y for a man who, a fte r hearing th e message said he would accept Christ m aking th e su rrend er In the presence of a num ber of others. P ray, also, for a young man, who, a fte r m aking many p etty excuses, was convicted by the Word and accepted Christ. God had spoken to him in his youth and he had a h ard fight w ith self, b u t he finally yielded to th e Lord. These men need our prayers so they may be made strong and k ep t by th e power of God who alone is able to save abundantly. -—Oscar Zimmerman, Supt. V aried O pportunities of Service The religion of the Lord Jesu s Christ is practical if it is anything. So to th e Bible woman come a g rea t many dif­ feren t phases of th e practical applica­ tion of sisterly love. F o r BIBLE instance, an old lady, mem- WOMEN her of one of th e Bible classes, was arrested on a most heinous charge a t th e instigation of h er own daughter. The charge was needless to say, absolutely false and was inspired by th e d augh ter’s hope of a financial benefit which m ight accrue to her. The protection of th e old lady by quick and ta ctfu l work, backed up

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