King's Business - 1919-02



w ith a g reat deal of earn est prayer, was th e opportunity and privilege of the Bible woiqan. The Bible woman’s work is as far reaching as th e United S tates mails will go, for th e correspondence of th e w orker is a m ighty factor in her labors for th e Lord. Several le tte rs have been received lately from w riters who say th a t th e ir in te rest in definite Bible study was so stim ulated by th e ir work in local Bible classes th a t now they are yearn ­ ing to have th e same privileges come tor th e ir own townsfolk back east and have offered themselves as ready for in stru c­ tion to become teachers of neighbor­ hood Bible classes. To such as these a glad answer is always retu rned , prom ­ ising help and offering practical lessons outlined by th e Bible woman which they may tak e as a course for th e ir season’s study. Through these same mails are poured in th e burdens of h earts, the deep questions of the soul, th a t many tim es send th e w orker to h er knees for wisdom and guidance in answering. So God blesses and extends His own pre­ cious work. Some time ago a Bible woman was asked to call on a woman under deep conviction of sin. We found h er study­ ing her Bible, b u t no t seeing therein th e way of salvation because of early teaching th a t she must, to some degree, be h er own saviour. As we opened up th e Word to h er she looked up incredu­ lously and asked, “Are you sure you are righ t? Can I be saved by w hat Jesu s Christ has done? Don’t I have to change my life first?” So absolutely new to th is woman was the finished work of Christ on th e cross th a t it wasi no t for several days th a t she was really enabled to believe th e plain statem en t of God’s Word, “To him th a t worketh no t b u t believeth on Him th a t justifieth th e ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.” A t length th ere came a note to th e Bible woman, “L ast n igh t I received Jesu s Christ as my Saviour.”

T h at was some two years ago. Ju s t a few weeks ago I heard from her through one who knew h er every day life and th e rep o rt was th a t she was growing and had become a strong support in the little church, in her neighborhood, w ith which she had united soon afte r her conversion.— Mrs. T. C. Horton, Supt.

L e tte r from D r. K eller The following le tte r from Dr. K eller tells of th e work of th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles in Hunan, China:

Nan Yoh Kiai, Hunan, September 16, 1918.

Here we are a t Nan Yoh, and God is giving us a tim e of g reat blessing. We have one hund red and th irty (130) students. They rep resen t nine missions in Hunan, and come from BIBLE twenty-five different cen- INSTITUTE ters. There are some IN CHINA very fine men among them and they are doing splendid work. I t is difficult to ade­ quately sta te th e g reat value of th is Autumn Bible school to th e evangelists and Christian workers of Hunan, and to th e ir fu tu re service. The b reak fast bell ring s a t seven- th irty , and a t eigh t o’clock we have morning prayers, th a t is united morn­ ing prayer. These services consist of a brief exposition of Scripture, followed by several prayers. These meetings are conducted by our Chinese breth ren , and th e expositions of S cripture th is year, and the prayers too have been exceptionally fine. Over and over my h e a rt ju st longs th a t you m ight be h ere and attend one of these meetings, it would ju st fill your h earts w ith praise th a t God had led you into th is fru itfu l and encouraging work. There are practically no pilgrim s this y ear on account of th e w ar in Hunan. We knew th a t th is would be th e case, as I th in k I have already w ritten you, bu t afte r much prayer we decided to

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