King's Business - 1919-02

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Church M issionary Society field, and now Mr. Wu is enrolled as an enquirer in th a t church, and is enthusiastically going on w ith his p rep aration for bap­ tism and full church membership. Mr. Gelwicks spoke to me a few days ago abou t th e g reat service a small g ra n t of Selected Portions had been to him in his work. He values them very highly, he h as each class of enquirers use them as a tex t book, he has them go rig h t th rough th e book, tak ing four pages a t a time, and so having them go rig h t th rough th e book du ring th eir months of prep aration for baptism . He says th a t when they finish th is book they have a splendid grasp of th e tru th . FRANK A KELLER . W ill you help th e B ible In stitu te of Los Angeles to ta k e th e Gospel to th e people? REB IRTH OF A NATION In a review of the p ast year in The Jew ish News, an American Hebrew paper, published in English and circu­ lating ever more and more widely, we read und er th e title, “The R eb irth of a N ation,” th e announcem ent of the declaration favoring th e establishm ent of a publicly owned and legally secured home for th e Jew ish people in P alestine was hailed th e wide world over as an epoch m aking declaration. “The crea­ tion of a new nation had always been looked upon w ith awe and wonder. But never before h ad th e world seen a n ation scattered for 2,000 years in all corners of th e globe— never had it seen such a nation rebo rn .” P ray w ith— P urpose of h ea rt— Jas. 5:16. Receiving faith— Matt. 21:22. Abiding in Him-—Jno. 15:7. Y ielding to the Spirit— Jud e 20; Eph. 6:18.—K. L. B. PREVAILING PRAYER

reading assigned, and was surprised and delighted a t th e answers given, he had been studying the Word most in tellig en tly and faith fu lly , and had received the guidance and lig h t th a t is always sure to those who study in th a t way. Mr. Wu begged Mr. Kang and p arty to visit his village, he said, “ I have been telling them all I know, b u t th a t is so little, they will, no t be able to understand your words, b u t I will in te r­ p ret for you and th en they will be able to have a clear presen tation of the wonderful Gospel th a t you have told to me.” Of course Mr. K ang could not tak e his men from th e field where they were a t work and ru sh off to th a t vil­ lage, though it was only seven miles away, b u t he hopes to go th e re th is P all, and let us p ray th a t th e re may be a rich harvest. Is it no t w onderful th a t God should have led one of th e head men of th a t village to h ear Mr. Kang an in te rp re te r fo r our men when they are able to ta k e up work in th a t vil­ lage. Please pray much for th e ir work in th a t village, it may open up the way for a larg e work among th e moun­ ta in dwellers of sou thern Hunan, who cannot und erstand th e Chinese who are living all around them , and whose only hope of hearing th e Gospel is to have someone go and learn th e ir language and do pioneer work anlong them , or as in th is most rem ark ab le case, to have some of th e ir Chinese speaking leaders h ear and accept th e Gospel and then go back to them w ith th e message. But how can th is be possible a p a rt from God’s very direct guidance? L ater Mr. Wu brough t his fam ily reg ister to Mr. Kang, th e record of b irth , etc., of wife and children, and as he and his fam ily h ad accepted of Christ as th e ir Saviour, and th a t they desired as a fam ily to un ite w ith th e church. Mr. Kang explained to him about church mem­ bership, introduced him to th e evangel­ ist of th e Church M issionary Society chapel, as they were working in the

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