King's Business - 1919-02



these lines, his h e a rt was touched and he dedicated his life to God. He had not gathered th e daily sp iritu al manna and so had lost God’s smile. Daily L igh t Needed. A Chinaman living n ear Canton said, “When I read th e Bible, I find it is use­ ful as a ligh t in darkness. I am living in a retired place and I am fo rtun ate to obtain a Bible. It gives me lig h t on so many subjects.” “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet.” A statesm an in England years ago was presenting his argum en t for the benefit of his people when his oppon­ ents came with overwhelming points in favor of th e ir selfish plans. The states­ man was w riting du ring most of th e ir speeches and when his tu rn came to m ake his final plea; he rose and swept all before him . One of his opponents picked up th e piece of paper on which he had been w riting to see w hat kind of notes he had tak,en. All over th is paper was w ritten ju st these words. “More light, Lord, more ligh t.” Gen. W ashington once asked Gov­ ernor Morris, who was sta rtin g for Europe, to buy him a watch. He said, “To buy him, a t P aris, a flat gold w atch; no t th e watch of a fool, or of a man desirous to make a show, b u t of which th e in terio r construction shall be extremely well cared for, and the exterior air very simple.” W hat a mine of wisdom to these words. How much they suggest about men, as tfell as watches— “The in terio r well cared for, th e exterior air very simple.” v. 2. Congregation m u rm u red ag ain st Moses and Aaron. I t is deplorable to find Christians seeking afte r th e things of th is world, for it proves they esteem the heavenly manna COMMENT FROM “ligh t food.” Many MANY SOURCES who profess to have K. L. B rooks found pardon and peace in Jesus, in­ stead of feeding on H im feed th e ir

m inds on the- newspapers and very frivolous and vapid lite ra tu re of the day.—McIntosh. Unbelief h as a sho rt memory. The Red Sea is forgotten in a month. Men do not know how happy they are un til they cease to be so;— Maclaren. Those who have all th e ir lives been accustomed to walk by sight, in difficulty and perplexity find it h ard to walk by faith. Do no t even we find it difficult to walk by faith th rough the w ilderness of th is world, although in th e ligh t of a clear revelation and under a nobler leader th an Moses?— F isk. A thousand mercies are easily forgotten in th e presence of one trifling priva­ tion.— Sel. It is astonishing th a t there was not on God’s p a rt a single severe word in reproof of th e people’s m urm ur- ings, far less any punishm ent. A t a la ter period, when they had been longer under His training, they were severely punished when they gave way to a sim­ ilar ou tbu rst of complaint. Num. 21:6; 1 Cor. 10:10.— Meyer. v. 3. Would to God we h ad died. B etter be in th e d esert w ith God th an in th e brick kilns of Egypt w ith P h a­ raoh.—-Sel. v. 4. I w ill rain b read from heaven. He rained bread upon those who were sighing for th e flesh pots of Egypt. If it were easy to drive th e Lord away, I should have succeeded long ago. I yearn for flesh pots and He sends me manna.— Jow ett. When once we have sta rted fo rth a t H is command and have gone on His providentially indicated way, we may say it reverently, th a t God cannot refra in from assisting us save a t th e loss of His dearest attrib u tes, bu t it is also tru e th a t we m ust obey His laws.— Meyer. Jesus is our w ilderness bread m inistered by th e Spirit through th e Word.— Brown. T h at I may prove them . It takes a h ea rt weaned from Egypt to be satisfied w ith bread from heaven.— C. H. M. The grand object of being led in the w ilderness is th a t we m ight be train ed , and th e first les-

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