King's Business - 1919-02



The Israelites Dissatisfied. While the people rested a t Elim where all was joy and peace, th ere was no reason to long for th e flesh-pots of Egypt bu t now th a t they are hungry, th e ir faith fails and they reg ret they ever left Egypt. They did not stop toi th in k how much b etter off they were in th e desert w ith God, th a n they ever could be back in Egypt under P h aro ah ’s rule. We th ink it very stupid of the Israelites not to recognize th a t fact, ; yet hum an n atu re is ju s t the same today. People are quite satisfied to follow God as long as all goes well bu t when things go wrong, doubt and dis­ satisfaction appear. All we need to do is to look around us a t th e sorrow and suffering and m isery which hum ankind endures ju st because they have listened to Satan, yet we h ear no complaint of his service, nor any desire to escape it. It is very different in service for God. We set out bravely to walk in His ways, yet a t th e first tria l we begin to find fau lt and rebel, forgetting all His mer­ cies to us. . How a complaining sp irit must grieve th e g reat h ea rt of God who has done so much for us. Ought we not to walk w ith Him in th ankfulness of h eart, satisfied w ith w hatever He provides? Israel m urm ured as soon as th e pressure of hunger came. W hat are you doing girls, when the little h ard ­ ships arise? God’s Provision. God is always loving, no m atter how much His children m ay complain. The Israelites longed for th e flesh pots of Egypt and God sent them bread from Heaven. Quite a con trast was it not? God does not always send us w hat we want, does He? This Heavenly food was a te st of Isra el’s condition. One must) have a heavenly ta ste to feed on Heav­ enly food. Isra el’s condition was not such th a t th e manna was pleasing to them and God gave them quail as well. God’s gift of quail came th rough n a t­ u ral means as does our daily food. May

we not forget,, however much we may work for w hat we get, th a t God is the Giver of all things and we should con­ stan tly th a n k Him for all His gifts. Christ Our B read of Life. Christ is our “B read of L ife” in th is desert world. To enjoy Him, our h earts must he free from every evil thing. John 6:49-51. A worldly h ea rt cannot find Christ in th e Word, nor enjoy Him if found. The manna was so delicate th a t it could not come in contact w ith ea rth ; it fell upon dew and was gathered before sunrise. Yes­ terd ay ’s supply could not be used today, nor today’s tomorrow . A daily supply made a daily dependence upon God necessary. Are you girls gathering your supply of sp iritu al food from th e Word each day, or are you spending your tim e reading newspapers, magazines and books of. fiction. Are you satisfied w ith the food He gives or are you longing for th e things of th e world and seeking a fte r them? Ju s t as th e body needs food th a t it may be nourished and grow, so much our souls be nourished w ith sp iritual food or we will be weaklings, falling into tem ptation and so accomplish nothing for God. As th ere could be no hoarding of manna beyond the day’s supply, so m ust we use w hat tru th s we get from God. Only as a Christian uses w hat he gets, will God give him more. Are you girls pu tting into practice in your lives the knowledge you have of God’s tru th s from H is Word? Are you making Christ your daily food? God’s G ift of Food. Ex. 16: 11-18, 31-35. Memory Verse.— “He gave them bread ou t of heaven to ea t.” John 6:31. Approach.—W ere you ever hungry and came in from play and asked m other to give you something to eat?

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