King's Business - 1919-02



to get hungry and found fa u lt w ith Moses and said they would all starve to death. You see when they got into ano th er hard place they forgot how good God had been to them before, and you know lots of times we forget how good God is to us, and we find fa u lt a t th e table w ith our food, and we find fa u lt abou t/ our clothes. I t does not make any difference who people are, they are all alike when they forget God. When Israel was finding fa u lt and blam ­ ing Moses, w h at do you th in k he said? He told them they were no t finding fau lt w ith him (Moses), b u t were really finding fau lt w ith God Himself. Children, who h ad really b rough t this people Israel to th is desert place, Moses or God? Of course God had brought them , for you know Moses followed ju st where th e cloud led, and Jesus was in th a t cloud leading and guiding every step of th e way. Moses told Aaron, his b ro th er to call th e people tog ether and te ll them th e Lord had h eard th e ir fau lt finding. You see God sees and h ears everything we do. The people looked tow ard th e desert, and th e cloud th a t was over them became very b rig h t w ith th e glory of God. Then God told Moses He would send them m eat to ea t in the

Yes, all of you. I can remember when I was a child and BEGINNERS used to ask m other AND PRIMARY f o r something to Mabel Ii. M errill eat, and sometimes she would pu t some honey on my bread, and oh my, how good it tasted. How many of you like honey? You know we often forget th a t all th e food we eat is a gift from God. Our memory verse tells us how th e peo­ ple in our story received food from God. L et us learn it. P rayer. Lesson Story.— We learned last Sun­ day how God took his people Israel across th e sea w ithout any boats, and landed them on the o th er shore safely. (Review ). There is nothing too hard, or no king too strong for our God. My children, isn ’t it w onderful to h ear abou t th e g rea t things God does for his people? A fter crossing th e Red Sea th e guiding cloud moved stopping at different places along the way, so the people could rest, un til they came to a g reat desert, miles and miles away from any town, and you know nothing can grow in th e desert, and where was Moses going to get food to feed th is g reat crowd of people, for of course th e re were no stores. The people began

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