King's Business - 1919-02



evening and bread in th e morning, so they would rem ember th a t God was the Lord who made everything. Now boys and girls, really, don’t you th in k this was a p retty big job? Yes, it was too big a job for any man to do, b u t no t too big for God. When evening came, the people heard a fluttering of wings, and g reat flocks of hundreds of quail came flying into th e place where th e people were camping. (Show pictu re or make plain w hat quail were like.) They flew close down to th e ground so th e people reached out and caught them . They are very fine eating, and so they had ju s t th e very best kind of m eat rig h t from God. W hen they got up in the morning th é ground was covered w ith lots of tiny,, round, white things^ which looked like frost. Carl, you know how th e ground looked, for you have lived where th ere is frost. How did it look? Yes, it made the ground all white. Of course th e people did no t know w hat it was, and they looked a t each other and wondered, and then Moses told them it was th e bread God had prom ­ ised them , and he also told them to get a pan or dish and g ath er as much as they would need for th a t day. When the sun shined on it, it would m elt away ju st like ice does, so if folks were lazy and did not g ath er in the morning, they would have to go hungry

th a t day. This special food was called manna, and came down fresh from heaven each morning, except Sunday^ There was ju st twice as much manna fell on Saturday, and Moses told the people to g ath er enough for Sunday, as none would fall on th a t, day. God w ants H is people to re st and worship Him, and go to Sunday School and church on Sunday, and no t work like on th e o ther days of th e week. Yet some of th e people went out and looked for manna on Sunday, and of course th e re was none ju st as God had said. T h at which was g athered on S aturday was nice and fresb, b u t on o ther days if they k ep t any over it spoiled. You all said you liked honey, and our story says th is m anna tasted like w afers and honey. God gives us w hat we need, bu t He does not always give us w hat we want, because we w ant things which are not good for us. Our memory Verse says, “He gave them bread ou t of heaven to ea t.’’ O children, are n ’t you happy to know th a t we have such a wonderful God, who can do everything and th a t loves His people so much and watches over them ? Closing P ray er.—Deal; Lord Jesus we th a n k thee for food and clothes and our homes, and help n s to always say th a n k you, for th y love and care.

afe > afe» • gfe FEBRUARY 9, 1919

JETH RO ’S C O U N S E L “Bear ye one an o th er’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of LESSON TEXT (R ead Ex. 18:1-27.)

Golden Text: Christ.” Gal. 6:2. Ex. 18:12-16.

(12) And Je th ro , Moses’ fa th e r- in-law , to o k a b u rn t offering and sacrifices fo r God: and A aron came, and all th e eld ers of Isra el, to e at bread w ith Moses’ fa th e r-in -la w be­ fore God. (13) And it cam e to pass on th e m orrow , th a t Moses s a t to ju d g e th e people: and th e people stood by M oses,from th e m o rn in g u n ­ to th e evening. (14) And w hen Moses’ fa th e r-in -la w saw a ll th a t he did to th e people, he said, W h at is

th is th in g th a t thou doest to th e peo­ ple? w hy s itte s t th o u th y se lf alone a n d a ll th e people sta n d by thee from m o rn in g un to evening? ( 15 ) And Moses said un to his fa th e r-in - law , B ecause th e people come un to me to enquire o f God: (16) W hen th ey have a m a tte r, th ey come unto m e; an d I ju d g e betw een one and an o th er, and I do m ake them know th e s ta tu te s of God, and h is law s. (17) And Moses’ fa th e r-in -la w said

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