King's Business - 1919-02



He who would help him self an a others should no t be a subject of irreg ­ u lar and in terru p ted impulses of vir­ tu e ; b u t a constant, persisting, immov-' able person— such as we have seen a few scattered up and down in tim e, for th e blessing of the world. Men who have in th e gravity of th e ir n atu re a quality which answers to th e fly-wheel in a mill, which d istribu tes th e motion equally over all th e wheels, and hinders it from falling unequally and suddenly in destructive shocks. Such was Jeth ro . Method Means Multiplication. Moses was able to multiply his in­ fluence and work. Some Christians are like a squad doing th e “ goose-step.” Ju s t m arking tim e ad infinitum . If they should sign th e ir le tte rs tru th ­ fully they would sign' Yours standing still, John Smith. Yours going back, Be like P au l and sign: . Yours pressing forward, — St. Paul. (Phil. 3:14.) -—P au l Jones. v. 7. Moses w en t to m eet h is fath er- in-law. Those who stand high in favor of God are not thereby discharged from th e duty they owe to men. They m ust give honor to COMMENT PROM whom honor is due MANY SOURCES and never look w ith K. L. B rooks disdain upon th e ir p o o r relations.— Henry. The m easure of a g reat man is th e way he tre a ts little men.-—-Frost. Nothing costs so little and goes so far as Christian courtesy.— Jargens.- v. 8. Moses to ld all th e Lord had done. How much m ight be done if only religious men today would recount th e ir experiences. Many a wavering scale would be tu rn ed in favor of tru e religion.—Meyer. W hat we have th e joy of God must have the praise of.—. Sel.

(5 ) Co-operation in th e affairs of th e church, is essential. (6) “To every man, his w ork” is the message of God’s Word. (7 ) A capable leader will pu t his cap­ tain s to work. (8 ) Do no t und ertake so much th a t you will be over-worked. Conservation of S trength. A m inister said, “ I used to preach my head off when I first began to preach. I spent more energy in saying nothing, th a n I use now in saying something; though I have not J j ESSON th e energy now to ILLUSTRATIONS p u t into it. But W. H . P ik e w h at I say now does far more good than all th e w aste of energy in th e form er y ears.” Notice th e tactics used in th e present w ar and see the splendid conservation of m aterial, food stuffs, etc. Always in a maneuver, th e general estim ates th e easiest, sho rtest way to tak e a posi­ tion w ith th e least loss of life and the sm aller am ount of paraphernalia. N atu re never wastes energy— God never seems to use more m aterial than is needed. While th e re seems to be a w aste of land in deserts, y et God is using them to bring blessing in other sections of th e country, by h eating them and 'causing th e a ir to ru sh in from o ther sections and th ereby bring re­ freshing breezes to thousands of people and fru it to th e trees, and grass and flowers to th e fields. Good Advice Acceptable. Je th ro was to Moses w h at many a friend has trie d to be to us, a suggester of good. But oftentim es we have though t our ways best. Remember the little couplet: Sunshine was he in th e w inter day: And in th e m idsummer, coolness and shade.

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