King's Business - 1919-02



v. 9. Je th ro rejoiced. While Israel m urm ured notw ith stand ing all God’s goodness to them , here was a Gentile rejoicing. This was no t th e only tim e th e faith of th e Gentile shamed the unbelief of the Jews. ' Matt. 8:10. v., 17. The th ing th a t th o u doest is n o t good. Je th ro gave p rud en t counsel as to th e division of labor, and univer­ sal experience in the Church has a t­ tested th e soundness and advantages of th e principle.--?—J, F. & B. God did no t disdain to perm it Moses to be ta u g h t th rough ano ther man, and he, not one of th e commonwealth of Israel. There is food for reflection here in the ways of God in teaching H is own peo­ ple wisdom.— Gray. v. 18. Thou w ilt w ear away. Those th a t w ait on th e Lord and His service shall renew th e ir streng th .— Henry. God doesn’t call us into service on the ground of our ability bu t His ability.— Sel. The th in g is too heavy fo r thee. There may be over-doing even in well do­ ing.—Matthews, Cf. Num. 11:11-15. We need to inquire, has God imposed th is re­ sponsibility? If so, He will assuredly be w ith us in sustaining it, a n d . having H im w ith us, we can su stain anything. It is a sure evidence of being occupied abou t self when we sh rin k from ser­ vice on the ground of inability.— Mc­ Intosh. W ith God th e w eight of a m ountain is noth ing ; w ithou t Him th e weight of a feath er is overwhelming. —-Sel. If a man tak e a burden upon his shoulder which God never intended him to bear and never fitted him to bear, we may surely expect to see him crushed by it.— C. H. M. v. 19. I w ill give th e e counsel. It ought to be p art of wise friendship to, point out to men when they are tru ly w orking too much, and w asting in exer­ tion energies which m igh t be1 bene­ ficially exercised th rough a longer period of time.— P ark er. Jehovah seems to have entirely ignored th is worldly-wise organization, sub stitu ting H is own order in place of it. Num 11:

14-17.— Scofield. Be thou fo r th e peo­ ple to God-ward. The highest of all vocations is the spiritual. It is g reater to pray th a n to rule.— Sel. I t is a m istake for any person, be he m inis­ ter or layman, to monopolize many offices. Some m inisters insist on keep­ ing evqry dep artm en t of church life and work under th e ir own control.— Meyer. v. 20. Thou sh alt teach them . In every community th ere is untold wealth of la ten t talent.-—F. B. M. v. 21. P rovide o u t of th e people able men. It never seems to occur to some men th a t they are allowing th e talen ts of others to be idle. Much sound abil­ ity may become dorm ant simply because leaders of society do no t call it into responsible exercise.— People’s Bible. The head has need of th e hands and th e feet. I Cor. 12:21. G reat men should not only study to be useful themselves b u t contrive how to make others useful.-—Henry. Such as F ear God. ..He .th a t would govern others must first be lord of himself, which he never can be un til he is constantly and hab itu ally the serv an t of God.— Mac- laren. H ating covetousness. If a man is to stand fo rth as th e leader of a people, he m ust be clear from suspicion of following his career for any form of personal advantage.-^-Alexander. v. 22. E very sm all m a tte r they shall judge. Nothing is more hatefu l to th e individual or community th a n to leave a sore open. The longer a controversy lasts, th e worse th e tangle becomes. Agree, said our Lord, With th in e advers­ ary quickly.— Meyer. v. 23. Do th is thing, an d God com­ m and th ee so. Je th ro does not presume to d ictate to Moses. The m a tte r must be referred to God for sanction.— Dum- melow. v. 26. They judged th e people. Moses judging, and faith fu l men fearing God judging w ith him, may well rem ind us of th a t day when He who is g reater

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