King's Business - 1919-02


T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S th a n Moses will judge th e ea rth in righteousness, and we shall judge w ith him. I Cor. 6:2.— Anno. Bible.

was doing for him and his people. Do, we ta lk freely in our homes and to our friends of th e many blessings God is continually bestowing upon us or áre we talk ing about everything bu t God in our daily life and then of Him only when we come to th e Sunday school class or some other religious meeting? The Appointment of Helpers. It was Je th ro ’s thoughtfulness of and care for Moses th a t prompted him to suggest th a t helpers be appointed to carry on some of th e work, so th a t Moses could save his streng th for more im po rtan t duties. I wonder if we are always tho u g h tfu l about helping to relieve those who seem to have more th a n th e ir share of work to do. It is tru e the responsibility was very g reat bu t Moses-was no t asked to bear it alone for God was w ith him . How often we fail in our work because we try to do it in our own streng th . If God assigns us a task or lays a respon­ sibility upon us, it does no t m a tte r how g reat it is, He will no t only qualify us bu t will also give the needed streng th . - (Phil. 4 :1 3 ). God calls us to service on the ground of His ability, never our own. (Matt. 2 8 :1 8 ). H as God given you something to do for Him, and because you th ink you are no t as capable as somebody else, have you refused to do it? We find in reading Num. 11:14-18 th a t God did not approve the appoint­ m ent of these ru lers bu t established His own rule. Team W ork in Religion. There aré applications h ere th a t may be made to national and political organ­ izations b u t th e re is a g reater lesson- for us— the need of team work in reli­ gion. We can accomplish little w ithout some organization, and to have th is people m ust work together. Coopera­ tion is very essential. Are you a team worker? It would be easier to work alone th a n to spend hours and hours in consultation w ith others, and it takes a lot of patience and grace to council

You have all h eard th a t “ two heads are b etter th a n one” have you not? There isn’t anyone who knows so much th a t he cannot learn some things from others if he is MY CLASS teachable and lis- OF GIRLS tens to th e sug- Miss C lara Silliman gestions m a d e . Moses, g reat man th a t he was, train ed under God’s guid­ ance for special work, accepted the advice of Jeth ro , his father-in-law . May we always remember we may profit by th e advice of others and let us reach ou t for any s u g g e s ti^ s th a t will help We now come to- the prep aration of the Children of Israel to become a Na­ tion. In Egypt th ere was some sort of civil organization, of course, bu t for th e most p art, th e Israelites were sub­ ject to Egyptian law. The civil and political organization as suggested by Je th ro was one of th e first steps toward th e establishm ent of the new govern­ ment. Moses had been telling Je th ro all th a t God had done for H is children, and th rough his testim ony Je th ro came to acknowledge the God of Moses as th e tru e and only God. There is a g reat lesson th ere for us. Among our friends and relatives, th ere are doubtless many unsaved ones whom we long to win for th e Lord. Are we telling them w hat g reat things God has done for us; w hat Jesu s Christ means to us? Are we remembering th a t we are living epistles “ known and read of all m en?” The testim ony of life and lip is either helping or hindering th e progress of C h rist’s work. Which are you doing? Moses talked freely in the language of every day life about th e things God us to do b etter work for God. P re p aratio n F o r th e Nation.

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