King's Business - 1919-02

THE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S where they could buy food. Who can tell nie how they were fed, and what kind of food they had to eat? (R ev iew ). Now in our story today these same people are in ano th er place n ear the mountains, and you remember God had pu t Moses as leader of His people Israel, to lead and guide them ju st like P resi­ den t Wilson is a t th e head of our coun­ try to lead and guide us. When any of the people of Israel got into trouble, or did no t know w hat to do they would come to Moses and he would tell them ju st w h at to do. W ith such a big crowd of people it k ep t Moses very busy all day from morning un til n igh t ju st answering the people’s questions, so Moses chose a number of the wisest men and made them his helpers. Moses asked th e people to go to these men whom he had asked to be helpers w ith th e ir questions, and only when they had real h ard questions did they go to Moses. This made it a g rea t deal easier for Moses, and gave him tim e to do many o th er things th a t God wanted him to do. The Bible tells us we should help others, and our memory verse for today comes in ju^t rig h t here. Let us learn it. B ear ye one an o th er’s bu r­ dens. T h at means when some one needs help we should help them when we can, because th a t is w h at Jesus has asked us to do. You boys and girls can be g reat little helpers to mother every day, and she does need your help. Perhaps you can amuse baby b ro th er or sister, and give m other a chance to do some work th a t m ust be done, or you m ight set th e table, •or du st after m other has swept th e house. W hat kind of boys and girls do you suppose make the very best helpers to mother and fath er? Now listen and I will tell you, for I know every one of you w ant to be th a t kind of helpers. The very best helpers to fath e r and m other are th e boys and girls who always do ju st w hat fath e r and m other ask them to do, and they do it rig h t away. These are Je su s’ best helpers too, fo r He tells

150 w ith those who do no t agree w ith us, doesn’t it, b u t th e re may be something to learn from them afte r all, may th ere not? Can you give up your plans because some o ther seems b etter and still work w ith th e same enthusiasm ? The “ Community S p irit” we need today is th e sp irit of service. I t does not m a tte r so much where one serves ju st so he is serving. God has a place for each one of us, a special work for us to do. “The harvest, tru ly is plente­ ous b u t th e laborers are few.” May wet apply ourselves to the unfinished task th e Master set fo r us, going forw ard under His leadership, working in h a r­ mony w ith those whose purpose is in common w ith our own, w ith constant interchange of opinion. Moses Chooses Helpers. Ex. 18:1-27. Memory Verse.— Bear ye one ano th ­ e r’s burdens. Gal. 6:12. Approach.—Who is p residen t of th e United States of America? P residen t Wilson. Yes, and he is a splendid one too, and he believes in Jesus and asks Jesus to help him. BEGINNERS Does our president AND PRIMARY have a g reat many Mabel Ii. M errill things to do? In ­ deed he does, and how does he get all th is work done, some out in California, some back in Washing­ ton, the city where he lives in the White House, and then all the work over across the ocean taking care of the men in the war? That is right, Harold, he has a great many men and women to help him do all his work in different places. He could only do a little of it by himself, b u t by having helpers he can do it all. Our sto ry today is about how Moses chose some helpers, and a fte r our prayer we will h ear abou t these helpers. P rayer. Besson Story.— L ast week we heard abou t some people who were hungry, b u t they were far away from any place

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