King's Business - 1919-02

100 T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S why are they more entitled to these splendid epithets than men who died in the Civil War? And are these men who died in France entitled to more of eulogy than the thousands who have died in our camps, for had they not also yielded their lives to their government and were ready to face the death which came to their comrades? And if men can go to heaven by enlisting in the army and laying down their lives, for heaven’s sake let us get as many men as possible into the regular army and save them from hell! For pure, unadulterated, illogical sophistry, nothing can compare with such devilish doctrines; hut, thank God, thousands of soldiers are testifying to their abhorrence of such teaching. The men know that they are sinners and have no confidence in meeting a righteous God without a consciousness of a sin-bearing Saviour. We trust that The Family Altar in its next issue will repudiate this message from Mr. Hillis.—T. C. H. gy&Sj %£& jjy? FAITH-WRECKING INST ITUTIONS We take the following from “ The Evangelical” : “A F aith-W recking University: Mr. J, C. Moore, w riting in The H erald and P resbyter, states th a t several years ago, in a conversation w ith Rev. Dr. Tunnell, a prom inent B aptist m inister of Morristown, Tenn., on th e subject of th e Chicago University, th e Doctor made th is sta rtlin g declaration: ‘X have never known a young man who w ent to Chicago University th a t did no t come away from there w ith his religious beliefs w recked.’ This was said a fte r Mr. Moore had expressed th e opinion th a t if, ‘John D.’ had invested his m illions in saloons and gambling houses over th e country they would no t do as much harm as has his much-boasted university. In th e same paper, ano th er w riter, referring to Union Theological Sem inary in New York, w ith Dr. McGiffert a t th e head, quotes a Chicago Daily to th is effect: ‘Is th e re no place in which to assail Ch ristian ity b u t a divinity school? To perm it men who deny th e Christian fundam entals to use an office of th e Church for th e dissem ination of unbelief, to perm it them to in stil th e poison of th e ir teaching into th e m inds of th e coming m inisters and pastors, is surely nothing less th a n treason .’ Strong words are these, b u t amply justified by the distressing, saddening facts. Easy, silen t tolerance of such conditions is little less th a n a crim e ag ain st those who are being poisoned by th e un ch ristian teach­ ing of such in stitu tion s.” Good for the Chicago daily, above referred to. Many secular news­ papers are voicing sound doctrine in these days and are striking hard at the enemies of the truth who, clothed in the gown of the priest and preacher and fattening at the expense of the church, are using their position to destroy the foundation of the faith of the true church. There should be a combined attack of the real evangelical forces against the Satanic powers entrenched in the fortress at Chicago.—T. C. H. C h r i s t i a n s c i e n t i s t s “Taking Their Medicine” Some interesting events were chronicled in Los Angeles during the influenza ban. The Christian Scientists were in had. The law said that no churches should be open. Now, inasmuch as in the creed/ of the Scientist there is no sickness, there could, of course, be no death; and if there could be no death, there could be no need of a ban; consequently they were

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