King's Business - 1919-02



always, b u t of necessity. This being granted, th e infinite love and perfect; knowledge of th e need of His own crea­ tion provides th a t every seventh day man should lay aside the tools of his craft and en ter into th e upper reaches of his life’s possibilities.—-Morgan. v. 12. Honour th y fa th e r and thy mother. This completes the first five commandments and ends w ith a prom ­ ise. Eph.- 6 :2 , These five th a t relate to piety are separated from th e five th a t relate to prohibity.-—Comp. Bible. Happy are those children who pass by a n a tu ra l and beau tifu l sequence from the honoring of th e ir p aren ts to the hallow ing of the. name of th e ir ,God. Happy are those paren ts who so honor the name of th e ir God th a t it becomes easy for the children entrusted- to th eir care to honor them .—Morgan. I suppose most of you girls can recite the ten commandments from memory, bu t I wonder if you all und erstand th e tru e ch aracter and the object of th is law, as we some- MY CLASS tim es call th e ten OF GIRLS com m an dm en ts. Miss C lara Silliman grace and so do not und erstand either. Now law shows w hat man ought to be and pronounces a curse upon him if he is no t th a t, and grace shows w hat God is. “The law was given by Moses, bu t grace and tru th came by Jesus Christ.” John 1:17. God’s Covenant of Love. The ten commandments were a cov­ en an t of love between God and His people. On th e one hand God agreed to be th e ir God, giving care and pro-1 tection and love and forgiveness and the Israelites agreed to keep His com­ mandments and to serve H im alone. Should they disobey, God would tak e away all th e ir blessings. It is th e Cov­ enan t of Love because it is the love of Many people con­ fuse l a w and

w ith th e object of worship; th e second, the tru e mode of worship; th e third, th e relation of man to God; th e fou rth provides th a t a specific seventh of m an’s tim e is to be set ap a rt for th e express purpose of worshipping God.-—Morgan. In th e application of th is and all the commandments, we should remember th a t they lay th e ir prohibitions no t on th e ou ter conduct merely b u t th e inner actings of th e Spirit. See Matt. 5:20, 48; Rom. 7:7, 11.— Gray: He ^ h o seeks happiness in th e creatu re instead of th e C reator violates the first com­ mandment.— Sel. Vs. 4-6. Thou sh alt n o t bow down thyself to them . F rom th e use of crosses and relics as aiding th e ir bodily senses and quickening devotion, it had been easy to advance to the altars,' images and pictures, until these objects have become to many actual objects of w o r s h i p . Shall not a jealous God visit for these th ing s?—-Chr. Work. Comm. Shewing mercy. This is the h e a rt of the ten laws. It is in propor­ tion as we love Him th a t we can obey Him. W hatever of outw ard service or obedience we render to God or man, if love is w ithheld, la's? is not fulfilled.— F. B. M. v. 8. Remember th e Sabbath day. The only commandment which begins w ith ‘‘rem ember.”-1—Sel. The law of th e rest day is engraven on th e physical n atu re of man. Man is a seven days’ clock. Even when th e Revolutionists of F rance determ ined to abolish- every trace of th e Christian faith, they felt th a t hum anity m ust have a respite from incessant toil;' and appointed one rest day in ten, which had afterw ard s to be ordered back to th e old arrang e­ ment.—Meyer. v. 9. Six days sh a lt th o u labour. He who never works is unfit for worship. He who never pauses to worship is rendered incapable of work. The first word is “ six days thou sh alt labor,”: and to th a t commandment a vast mass of hum an beings subm it, no t willingly

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