King's Business - 1919-02

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S th a t are wrong to do. Now let me see if you can answer me th is time. How do lit­ tle children find oiit which things are righ t and which things are wrong? Yes, mother tells them . I am so glad you could answer these questions, for it will help you to enjoy and understand our lesson sto ry for today. W h at does the teacher a t school sometimes do when she wants you to rem ember something she has told you? She w rites it on th e black­ board. Now in our sto ry God w rote something He w anted th e people to remember, no t on a black-board, but on two pieces of stone. (Use pieces of stiff card board to rep resen t stones, and p rin t memory verse on same, or fo r older children, let them p rin t it themselves. Give each child one.) P rayer. Lesson Story.— Charles, you were sick la st Sunday and could no t be here, and I am going to ask Jam es to tell you our story for la st week. Fine. L illian can you tell of some one else besides Moses who is looking for help­ ers today? Jesus. T h at is righ t. (Al­ ways perm it th e hoys and girls to review th e previous lesson in some such manner, hiding from them th e fact th a t


it is review ing.) Since leaving th e land of Egypt, th e people of Israel had been traveling from one place to another, and now they had come to the place where God first spoke to Moses ou t of a burning bush. (Give children a chance to rela te th is incident.) All along th e way, th e people had been so wonderfully taken care of, and well fed, and God made th e ir clothes last for all th e trip , so th e ir shoes and clothes did no t w ear out. He had over­ come all th e ir enemies, and showed th a t He was God, and was strong and powerful, and th a t th e re was nothing too h ard for H im to do. God had been showing them th e w onderful things He could do, and now God is going to have these people stay h ere a t th e foot of th e mountain for a while, and teach them some of the th ing s He w ants them to know before they are ready to go to the land God had prom ised them . The name of th is mountain, is Mount Sinai, and we will try to rem ember it, for it is th e place where God gave th e com­ m andments to Moses. Commandments is a big word, b u t it is easy to und er­ stand, fo r it means the ru les to te ll the people w hat God wanted them to do.

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/This is t h e vvay;waIK R JBjBnvv-■ ye in it . 1 The Lord's com m an dm en t's are ,/not ^ r i e v e n t s - , KEEPTHEM-for it \


terVi* better to Obey than to

Sacrifice '

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