King's Business - 1919-02

T T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S ment,s on the stone, so the people knew w h a t was righ t, and they all prom ised to d® j'u st as he had told them to do. Now let us bow our heads and ask Jesus to be w ith our ears th is morning and h elp .us to h ear every word of our story. Lesson S t ory.-—We remember th a t Moses w as ap on Mount Sinai w ith God, and God h ad a o much to tell. Moses He kep t him up th ere quite a while, forty days. It w as a g reat big ta sk to take care of so m any people, and God was telling Moses all L ie w anted him to do. I t seemed a. long tim e to th e people and they got tire d w aiting in th is one place, and w anted to go on w ith the journey. They g a th e re d themselves tog eth er and called Aaro.n, the m inister, and said Moses was gone and they did n o t know w h at had b ecam e of him, and they asked Aaron to make them idols like th e heathen p e o i'le who do n o t know God, worship. A aron, th e m inister should have told th e m how very wrong th is was, for in th e com­ m andm ents God had told the.m they m u st no t have idols, or w o rsh ip any­ th ing th a t they could make them selves, bu t Aaron told them to b ring h im all

166 one has said th a t “Nothing f f e Ewyond th e reach of prayer except th a t which lies outside th e will of God.” A re you praying daily and particu larly f a i r all men everywhere; for those who are saved and those who are not? God h as no one else to pray bu t us. If we do not, who will? Asking God’s Help fo r O thers. Ex. 32:1-34:9. Memory Verse.— “ P ray one for an­ o th er.” Jas. 5 :16. Approach.— (P rep a re a clay model of th e tables of stone and bring to class.) W hat does th is m ake you th in k of? Who w rote th e commandments? Yes, God him self w rote BEGINNERS them on th e stones AND PRIMARY w ith His f i n g e r . Mabel L. M errill Where was Moses when God gave him .th e commandments? Up on Mount Sinai and he had left his b ro th er Aaron, who was a m inister, to look a fte r the people while he was away from them . You re­ member God had told Moses w hat to tell the people before He wrote the command-

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