King's Business - 1919-02

Dail}) Devotional Home Readings Connected with International Sunday) School Lessons Bj> FREDERICK W . FARR

SATURDAY, F eb ru ary 1. Jo h n 6:27-35. The B read of Life. Bread is th e staff of life. Christ is the food of th e soul. One may sub­ sist indefinitely upon bread since it con­ tain s those elements suitably combined th a t rep a ir th e w aste and meet the needs of th e body. Condiments and confections are superfluous if no t harm ­ ful. Christ is ith e Divine provision for hum an need. The trea su res of litera­ tu re may develop th e mind, the product of genius may please th e esthetic taste, b u t Christ alone can satisfy th e h eart. Isaiah 55:2. SUNDAY, F eb ru ary 2. Jo h n 6:48-58. The L iving Bread. Manna is th e type and Christ is th e anti-type: Manna was small, round, white, clean, sweet and lu strou s; Christ was humble, perfect, holy, sincere, g ra­ cious and Divine. Manna was gath­ ered early, daily and on th e knees. It was eaten individually. P aren ts m ight provide b u t could no t p artak e fo r th e ir children. Gathered it was wholesome. U ngathered it bred worms and became corrupt. Christ is eith er a building stone or a stum bling stone. The golden pot of manna laid up in th e a rk sug­ gests th e presence and m inistry of Christ in Heaven today. MONDAY, F eb ru ary 3. Ex. 18:1-11. Je th ro visits Moses. This visit was occasioned by a te sti­ mony of Divine blessing. “Come and h ear all ye th a t fear God, and I will declare w hat he h ath done for my soul.” Psa. 16:16. The declaration may pre­ cede and so produce th e coming. Je th ­ ro ’s character is evidenced by th e resu lt of th e visit. He acknowledged and wor­ shipped th e God of Israel. Cf. Acts j 11:23, 24. A believers’ testim ony is fru itfu l and far-reaching. The deferen­ tial and affectionate greeting which Moses gave his father-in-law is worthy of consideration and im itation. TUESDAY, F eb ru ary 4. Ex. 18:12-27. Je th ro ’s Counsel. The advice of Je th ro to Moses was sensible and timely. I t made fo r econ­

omy and efficiency. One ta len t a t least th a t everyone possesses is time. The napkin in which it may be wrapped and wasted is disorder. Systematic and sympathetic co-operation contributes a large measure of success in Christian work. Cf. Neh. 4:13-18; Mark 6:39, 40; Acts 6:2, 3. It is b etter to set ten men a t work th a n to do the work of ten men. Responsibility is distributed, la ten t ability is developed and power is liberated for o th er and la rg e r e n ter­ prise. WEDNESDAY, F eb ru ary 5.' Num. 1 1 : 10-17. The Seventy Chosen. This may be called one of th e mis­ tak es of Moses. His burden was very heavy to be sure, b u t God was under­ n eath it. Is th e re any lim it to a m an’s endurance when he takes God to be his streng th ? No g reater m istake can be made by a child of God th a n to ask for th e removal of a burden which God h a s , him self imposed. Let prayer be offered' ra th e r for an increase of strength. For each additional increm ent of weight w ithout, th e re will be a corresponding increase of power w ithin. Moses lost h alf his blessing when he shared his first mission w ith his b ro th er Aaron. W hat a fraction dope he now retain, if the rem ainder be divided into seventy parts! Moreover these seventy men were th e beginning of the Sanhedrin which brought about th e crucifixion of our Lord. THURSDAY, F eb ru ary 6 . Luke 1 0 : 1 - 1 1 . The Seventy Messengers. It m ust have been a m ighty incentive to fidelity as the disciples proceeded on th e ir way, to know th a t th e Master him self would sho rtly follow them and inspect th e ir work. v. 1. The same prayer be upon our lips today as we consider th e g reat needs of the home field and th e appalling condition of th e heathen world, v. 2. The world is a jung le filled w ith savage beasts of prey and God’s people are a little flock of helpless sheep in th e m idst thereof: v. 3 . The Gospel puts no prem ium on dis­ courtesy bu t O riental salu tation s con-

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