King's Business - 1919-02



T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

SATURDAY, F eb ru ary 22. Eph. 3 :1 4 - 21 . P a u l’s P ray er. This is a sample of P auline petition . P au l was an adep t in th e science a n d a m aster in th e a rt of supplication. T h e phrase most frequently upon his lips: and falling from his pen, was “ B reth ­ ren p ray fo r u s.” The G alatian E p istle is th e only one in which he does n o t ask for prayer. Men are now saying “P reach to u s” ra th e r th a n “P ra y for us.” People would ra th e r be preached to th an prayed for. If preaching is invaluable, prayer is indispensable. Some have even supposed it m ight be b etter to have less preaching and more praying. Through excess of preaching men may become Gospel hardened. There never can be too much praying. As we progress in th e life of faith and th e school of prayer, we shall more and more build our prayers on Scriptural' models and even phrase them in Scrip­ tu ra l language. The p rayers of Scrip­ tu re are models both in m a tte r and manner. SUNDAY, F eb ru ary 23. Jas. 5:13-20. The E ffectual P ray er. It is comparatively easy to say ones prayers. I t is often very h ard to pray. The conditions of efficiency as stated h ere are first, a righteous life as a background to fu rn ish projectile power, second, fervency as contrasted w ith indifference and third, a prayer in- w rough t by th e Holy Spirit. This is th e kind of prayer th a t avails much in its working. God is seeking priests among th e sons of men. H is design is to ru le creation and carry on its wor­ ship th rough man. P riesthood is th e appointed link between heaven and ea rth and th e channel of intercourse between th e sinner and God. Expiation is in th e hands of th e Son of God b u t communication between th e C reator and th e creatu re is in th e hands of redeemed men. MONDAY, F eb ru ary 24. Num. 12:17- 25. The Spies S ent Out. The sending of th e spies had its root , in unbelief. God had described the land and given them every assurance of its certain conquest. They organized an exploring expedition to see if God told th e tru th . Obviously no good could come from such an undertaking. Why can we no t tak e God a t his word? D istru st of God lies a t th e root of all

a privilege. L iberated from th e pres­ sure of physical demands, th e sp irit can devote to tran sacting business a t th e th ron e of grace w ith a concentra­ tion -and continuity otherw ise impos­ sible. This expedient to promote pre­ vailing prayer should be more highly esteemed and more frequently resorted to by th e people of God. THURSDAY, F eb ru ary 20. 1 Sam. 12: 19-25. Samuel P raying. Samuel stand s ou t pre-em inently among Old Testam ent characters as a man of prayer.* The people had such confidence in his prayers th a t th ey be­ sought th is continued intercession even a fte r he had been set aside as the n ation al leader. W h at an enviable reputation! How much b etter to be remembered and renowned by ones prayers th a n by ones preaching! Elo­ quence is th e fru it of genius b u t prayer is th e fru it of th e Holy Spirit. G reat preachers are few in num ber and far between in th e h isto ry of th e church b u t any believer can specialize and excel in th e science and th e a rt of prayer. Preaching is not always fruitful and its resu lts are apparen tly ephemeral. The resu lts of p ray er are inevitable and eternal. FRIDAY, F eb ru ary 21. 1 K ings 18:86- 46. E lijah P raying. The Bible assures us th a t E lijah was a man of like passions w ith ourselves. Jas. 5:17. O therw ise we m ight regard him as a superman. He bu rsts upon view like a meteor, 1 Kings 17:1, lives in an atmosphere of th e m iraculous, and finally goes to heaven alive in a chariot of fire. His m inistry is chiefly d istin ­ guished by his rem arkab le control of th e forces of N atu re th rough prayer opening and shu tting heaven a t his will. The prayer th a t opened heaven after three and one-half years of drought, has seven notable characteristics. I t was based upon th e prom ises of God. It was earnest. I t was humble. I t was definite. It was full of expectant faith. I t was persevering. I t was abundantly answered. We sometimes h ear the question raised, “Where is th e God of E lija h ? ” May we no t conceive of God asking “Where is E lija h ? ” W hat man has done, man can do.

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