King's Business - 1919-02


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Safe Religious Books Discussed by R. A . Torrey

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NEW BOOKS ON PROPHECY There is a rem ark ab le aw akening of in te rest in th e subject of prophecy in America and England and o th er coun­ tries. The m ark et is being flooded with books on prophetical subjects, some good,_ some indifferent, some bad. We are mentioning a few of real value th a t have recently appeared. The Book of Daniel, by W. C. Stevens, Flem ing H. Revell Co., publishers. Price $1. This is an excellent book for any one who wishes to begin th e study of the Book of Daniel. It is w ritten in a sty le, th a t any one can understand. It is thorough in th a t it takes up every verse in the book, and it is sane. We, of course, do not agree w ith every detail of in te rp re tatio n in th e book, and would suggest as ano th er book to be studied w ith it: Daniel, by A. C. Gaebelein, published by Our Hope, 456 F o u rth Ave., New York City, price 60 cents. This book covers the en tire prophecy of Daniel b u t' does no t tak e it up in every place verse by verse as Mr. Stevens’ book does, b u t it presents a different view on some points from th a t of W. C. Stev­ ens, and where th e two books differ as a ru le we agree w ith Dr. Gaebelein ra th e r th a n Stevens, bu t both books are valuable and should be not only read b u t studied. The P roph et Ezekiel, by A. C. Gae­ belein, published by Our Hope, 456 F o u rth Ave. , New York City, price $1.50. The prophecies of Ezekiel are among th e most im po rtan t in th e Bible and among those th a t are least under­ stood by th e average stud en t of proph­ ecy. Satisfactory commentaries of Ezekiel are difficult to find. Mr. Gae- belein’s book is the best of which we know for th e ordinary stud en t of the

Bible. In fact, we do not know of any o ther book on th e prophecy th a t we would especially commend. We have not read as yet th e en tire book, and do no t suppose th a t we would agree w ith every m inute detail in th e book, bu t we heartily recommend the book for study. The Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah. Another book on prophecy has recently come t a hand, entitled, The Visions and Prophecies of Zech­ ariah , an Exposition, by David Baron, published by Morgan & Scott, London, price 10 shillings and 6 pence net. This is a very large book having in all 554 pages. The prophecy of Zechariah is one of the most im po rtan t and in stru c­ tive of th e prophetical books and among th e least understood. It has much to say on the questions of th e R estoration of th e Jews, and th e Second Coming of Christ, the very questions th a t are being so much ag itated a t th e p resen t time. We have read a considerable portion of David B aron’s book w ith g reat in te rest and profit, and would cordially recom­ mend th e book to our readers. A Text Book on Prophecy, by Jam es M. Gray, D.D., Dean, Moody Bible In sti­ tu te, Chicago, Flem ing H. Revell Co., publishers, price $1.25 net. A text book on Prophecy is g reatly needed a t the p resen t tim e and th e title is a very happy one, though we do no t th in k th a t th is book altog th er meets th e expecta­ tions awakened by th e title. I t could hardly properly be called a Text Book on Prophecy. It is a re p rin t of articles in The Christian H erald of New York, and does not cover the whole subject of Prophecy in a thorough way, nor is it intended to ; indeed, th e re are only 215 pages in th e book a n d it would be impossible to produce a satisfactory text

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