King's Business - 1919-02

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S tonm ent in stru cting in gas m ask prac­ tice— “There’s to be a dance down at th e club tonight. W ill you join u s? ” To th e su rp rise of the whole party, the F renchm an moved back from th e table. Tears were visible in his eyes. ' “ I, dance?” he said slowly. “ I, dance while th e feet of th e enemy are on my native land? No, gentlemen, a F rench ­ man never makes m erry un til th e enemy has tak en his feet from F rench soil. I beg to be excused. Do no t ask me to ea t.” The group of officers arose w ith him, and one begged his pardon in behalf of the officers. He sweetly accepted th e ir applogy, b u t begged to be excused from eating and left th e room w ith the tears in his eyes, while silence fell on th e mess. God help us to have such loyalty to our Coming K ing th a t we will count even w h at would be gain to us as dross, un til th e devil lifts his feet from th is land and Jesus is back w ith us.— Rev. P aul Rader. BOSE OF SHARON M. Carrie Moore. Rose of Sharon, bloom for me, Thrill my soul w ith ecstasy, Shed Thy fragrance o’er me so, T h at wherever I may go, Crowded m ast or d esert waste, O thers may Thy sweetness taste. Rose of Sharon, glorify, E arth , and air, and sea and sky, T ill Thy beauty and Thy grace, Spread abroad in every place; T ill th e universe shall see, And adore Thee; only Thee! Rose of Sharon, Thou a r t m ine; I th e branch, Thou a rt th e vine; P lan ted deep w ithin my h eart, Thou and I can never p art: H ear my song of glad acclaim, Glory! glory to Thy name! (Los Angeles, California.)

174 book on Prophecy and lim it it to 215 pages. The articles, however, do cover a large num ber of im po rtan t and timely subjects in connection w ith Prophecy. I t is w ritten in Dr. Gray’s usual clear, direct and pleasing style. It possesses one of th e g reatest v irtu es th a t any book can have, th a t is, th a t it is easily understandable. Dr. Gray makes clear w h at he means. We h ardly need say th a t Dr. Gray is usually dependable in his in terp retation s. One of th e chap­ te rs th a t will doubtless aw aken especial in te rest is en titled “Why Germany Can­ n o t Rule th e W orld.” Another chapter of p resen t day in te rest is en titled “ Is th e K aiser th e A ntichrist,” and ano ther of g reat in te rest is “W hat th e Bible Teaches abou t Russia,” and still ano ther tim ely chapter is en titled “ Jeru salem ’s C apture in th e L ight of Prophecy.” - (Any of th e above may be procured th rough th e Biola Book Room.) W hen you a re in Los Angeles, come d irect to th e B ible In stitu te hotel. ¿,"4. .$ 14 . A BIBLELESS TOWN Daily papers rep o rt th a t B. W. Scog- gin, cashier of th e S tate bank a t Mil­ lington, 111, w ent to A urora to buy a ■Bible. Not a sto re had a volume. He m et w ith th e same answer a t each one: “We have very few calls.” Then he w ent to th e Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A., b u t these places also were barren of Bibles. ABE WE LOYAL TO HIM? The o ther day a t th e officers’ table in one of th e cantonm ents a young F ren ch officer said something th a t should stir th e h ea rt of every believer in th e Lord’s retu rn . The officers were joking and th e F renchm an did no t join in. F inally one of the officers said to th e F renchm an— who was in th e can-

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