King's Business - 1919-02


T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Heb. 9:14—-“ E tern al sp irit.” Isa. 33:14— “ Everlasting burnings.” Isa. 40:28-—“ Everlasting God.” -r-R . S: BEAL. .


IX.— Temperance. Approved, Phil. 3. 1-9, 2 Tim. 2. 15 Occupied, Eph. 5. 1-16, Eph. 5. 16. Adorning, Col. 3. 1-17, T itus 2. 10. Hoping, T itus 2. 1-15, T itus 2. 11, 12 — Selected.

GRACE Eph. 2:1-10.


1. The Need— vs. 1-3 “Dead in sins.”

“By n atu re, children of w ra th .”

2. The Source—-v. 4

“ God, rich in mercy.”

1. P lain S tatem ent— John S iS e-f^ 'W rath abideth,” “ shall no t see life.” Prov. 2 9 :l ^ - “W ithou t remedy.” Luke 16:26—-“ G reat gulf fixed.” Job. 36:18— “ G reat ransom cannot deliver.” Rev. 22:11— “U n ju st still, filthy still.” John 8:21— “Ye cannot come.” Mark 31-29— ' “H ath never forgive­ ness.” 2 Pet. 2:12— “ Shall u tte rly perish.” 2. P lain Inference—^ Matt. 26:-24— “ Good if no t born.” Eccl. 11:3— “As a tree falls.” 2 Cor. 6 :2— “Now is day of salva­ tion .” Prov. 10:28— “Expectation of wick­ ed shall perish .” Mark 9:49—r “ Salted w ith fire.” 1 Tim. 6 :9— “ Drowned in destruc­ tion .” Heb. 10:31— -‘F earfu l th ing to fall into hands of living God.” 2 Cor. 5:11— “T erro r of th e Lord.” 3. P lain Word—■- Matt. 25:46-—“Everlasting punish­ m en t.” Jude 1 :7— “ E tern al fire.” Rev. 14:11— “F o r ever and ever.” 4. P lain Usage— “ E tern al not a tim e lim ited word in the following: 2 Tim. 2:10— “E tern al glory.” 2 Cor. 4:18— “Temporal, etern al.” 2 Cor. 5 :1— “Dissolved, etern al.” Heb. 5 :9— “ E tern al salvation,”

3. The Cause—v. 4 “His g reat love.” 4. The Work— vs. 5-6

“ Quickened us.” “Raised us up.” “Made us sit in heavenlies.”

5. The Purpose— vs. 7-10 “He m ight show exceeding riches of His grace.” “By grace are ye saved, lest any man boast.” “ C reated in Christ Jesus unto good works.”— R. S. Beal. THE CAPTAIN OF SALVATION Hebrews 2:9-11. 1. The Condescention of th e Captain: “A little lower th a n th e angels.” 2. The Hum iliation of the' C aptain: “ F o r th e suffering of d eath .” 3. The E xaltation of th e Captain: “Crowned w ith glory and honor.” 4. The Grace of th e Captain: “T asting Death for every m an.” 5. The Perfection of the C aptain: “Made perfect th rough suffering.” 6 . The Love of th e Captain: “Not ashamed to call them b reth ­ ren .”— R. S. Beal. j£§ There is no charity in a m an’s leav­ ing money in his w ill; he has simply got to leave it. The tim e to adm in­ ister your tru s t is while you are living.

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