King's Business - 1919-02



pam phlet giving th e sto ry of th e Mis­ sion to anyone who applies for ,a copy to P. O. Box 1089, Johannesburg, South Africa. 1 ajSu% '' p st IF WORDS MEAN ANYTHING A certain man in a Bible Conference declared th e Scriptures ta u g h t th a t Christ would come again and again, but never “a second tim e!” We appeal to Hebrews 9:28, “ So Christ was once offered to hear th e sins of many; and unto them th a t look for him shall he appear th e second tim e w ithou t sin unto salvation.” If th ere was to be no re-appearance of Jesus except in spirit, it was the strangest speech He ever made when He declared, “And then shall they see th e Son of Man com­ ing in th e clouds w ith power and g reat g lo ry ;” and if th e re was to be no re­ appearance of Jesus except in spirit, then Paul, w riting to th e Thessalon- ians, deceived them , when he said, “ F o r th e Lord him self shall descend from heaven w ith a shout, w ith the voice of th e archangel, and w ith the trum p of God.” . As the eyes of dis­ ciples looked on Him in the act of ascent, so again shall H o be visible in His re-appearance— “ every eye shall behold H im ;” as in th a t ascent He was attend ed by angels, so when He comes again ten thousand of His sain ts shall descend w ith H im ; as in th a t ascent He was caught up in th e clouds, so again shall “He come in cloud s;” as He ascended from th e mountain top, so in His descent “H is feet shall stand upon Mt. Zion.” He shall come again w ith­ ou t sin unto salvation!— Dr. W. B. Riley.

who ru sh ed home from school and cried, “ Teacher said Mr. Plumbley was a blackleg.” The repo rt spread and by n igh t had reached th e ears of not only Rev. Mr. Plumbley, bu t the tru stees of the church. The teacher was no t men­ tioned as th e author. Ther good old deacons and elders were shocked. They called a special meeting, and Mr. Plum ­ bley was urged to explain th e charge. Hte could not, and the deacons and tru stees decided to, close the church un til m atters could be satisfactorily straigh tened ou t by the almost broken­ h earted and desperate pastor. Then Rev. Mr. Plumbley sta rted to visit every house to ru n down th e report. A fter two days’ diligent inquiries, he traced the story to th e little girl. She said th e teacher had said .it, and went w ith him to th e teach er’s house. The school-teacher p rotested her. innocence in having sta rted the rumor, b u t the little vg irl said, “Why, teacher, don’t you rem em ber in th e geography class the o ther day you told us th a t Mr. Plumbley was a blackleg?” The schoolma’am ’s eyes brightened. She explained th a t she had only said th a t “plumbago was black lead,” and her rem ark must have been m isunder­ stood and tran slated to “Plumbley was a blackleg.” The cloud was lifted, and th e little South Church is again open for wor­ ship. People who tell all they know are likely to tell a good deal th a t they don’t know.— (Selected). HERESY HATCHERIES A. J. Gordon, once rem arked, “The heresies which have afflicted th e church have, alm ost w ithout exception, been invented by learned scholars, and th e speculations which have blighted the faith of believers have generally been hatched and brooded in theological schools.”

¿Me- 'fa» AND SO IT GOES

A g rea t mystery has been cleared up, and Rev. Jam es Plumbley, pastor of South Church, ------ * N. Y., vindi­ cated. The troub le was all sta rted by a little child in d istrict school No. 8 ,

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