T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S 103 (5 ) W e shall try to begin and end each day w ith a sh o rt period devoted to th e asking of His blessing upon all we try to do for Him and in H is name. (6 ) We regard it as our special duty to try to recognize and reverence greatness in whomsoever shown, and to strive to co-operate, so fa r as we can w ith those whom we feel to be sp iritu ally our superiors. All in agreem ent w ith the above principles, are cordially invited to join the O rder.” Who can find any fault with these “ principles?” How delightfully subtle is the soothing voice of the hidden one! But listen to another extract i “ So it is no t w onderful th a t many are looking and longing for th e advent of one of th e E ld e r B reth ren of th e race, and th a t th is world-wide expectation has found organized expression in the O rder of th e S tar in th e E ast * * * Many mystics and accultists among th e H indus also see in th is world catastrophe the ending of th e d arkest cycle of the Kali Yuga or Iron Age, and they look th e re f o re ,f o r th e coming of th e World Teacher to bless th e New Age a t its b irth .” “ There is also a growing movement in Buddhism which expects the advent of the Maitreya Bodhisattva, the Lord of Compassion. So in this world-wide Order thousands of members of different raeey creeds and castes are being drawn together in loving expectation of the appearing of Earth s Greatest Teacher. No name do they give to Him whom each man worships according to his own ideal, believing that the Great Teacher must be recognized in the heart, and not by the label which he bears. If we put the name of the Lord Jesus in place of “ the Great Teacher,” could we not say amen to their declaration of principles? But when one names Him as but “ one of the Elder Brethren of the race,” he is at once a blasphemer against God the Father, and God the Son. The softer and more soothing the sophistry, the more easily will the poor ignorant flies light upon the ointment. This tract was from the Theosophieal Society, with an invitation to come into their parlor. Not only the Theosophists' but the Buddhists and the Mohammedans are all looking for the coming of a great Teacher. Strange, is it not, that a great many in the church, with the Bible in their hands,vare not looking for their Great Teacher, the Man Christ Jesus, our coming Lord.—T. C. H. S8§|g| ^1^. Wf T he persuasive power 0f the Printed page It cannot be denied that this is a day in which thousands of people are reaching conclusions in religious things, by reading and not by listening. The rapid spread of all kinds of heresies is very largely due to the printed page. It is true that men are not reading long drawn-out theological discussions, but they are reading the pointed and attractively arranged short articles, that grip the soul. The leaders of heresies are working early and late to issue and circulate attractive and cleverly worded things. Is it not time for true Christians to be awake to the opportunity of reaching souls for Christ by the distribution of the right kind of literature ? Dr. A. C. Dixon recently said, “ The objection that people do not read strictly religious articles is not well taken. If I had the money, I would fill at least a column of every daily paper in this land with saving Gospel Truth. • If the editors would not publish it as reading matter, I would insert it as advertisements, and make the way to heaven so plain that every reader would have no excuse for being lost, f’
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