King's Business - 1919-02

A fitting com panion to "R ig h tly D ividing th e W ord of T ru th ” God's Dispensations C om p ared a n d C o n trasted By Rev. C. M cKay Sm ock A rra n g e d fo r Individual o r Class Study DR. C. I. SC 9 FIELD says: “ T his testim o n y is certain ly greatly, p ressingly needed in this d ay .“ CHARLES C. COOK w rites: “ It is a m asterly w o rk .” R ead th e In tro d u ctio n by Rev. G eorge E. G uille: INTRODUCTION .“To rightly divide the Word of tru th is a charge laid by The Spirit of God upon every Christian.^ The present confusion in Christendom is largely due to the neg­ lect of this injunction. On every hand we are confronted with the spectacle of honest men endeavoring, by unscriptural means, to “bring in” and “advance” and build up” the Kingdom, instead of ad­ hering to the divinely-appointed mission of completing the mystery of the Church. And the Church, having been robbed of tTr lple®sed hope, is in many quarters abandoning her commission to preach the Gospel and has gone at world-mending, taking up the task of Cain and seeking to restore Paradise without Christ. The promises to Israel are made to mean everything except what they say, in order to apply them to the Church. Law and Grace are mingled together, the son of the bond-woman and of the free, growing up in the same house. Flesh and Spirit are not recognized as two contrary na­ tures in the believer, and the Christian, having begun in the Spirit, is trying to perfect the flesh. The perfection of the Christian position is not believed because it is regarded as an attainm ent instead of a gift already obtained, and Christian practice is consequently not “walking worthy of the calling,” but trying to be worthy.” Any work th at helps the believer out of this confusion and into an under­ standing of the right divisions of Scrip­ ture is to be cordially welcomed. Such a work is this booklet of Mr. Smock’s, who has rendered a most valuable service m such a clear unfolding of the Dispen­ sations. To introduce it to the Lord’s people and to commend it to .their careful study is a privilege th at is highly esteemed. _________________GEORGE E. GUILLE. 16mo, A rt Stock Covers, two colors of ink, 56 pages, 20c net. THE BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASSOCIATON 810 North La Salle Street, Chicago

The Competing Artists By Sara C. Palmer, The Irish Evangelist An intensely interesting story showing the exceeding danger of entering with unequal yoke” into the marriage con­ tract, the believer with the unbeliever. The story is said by the unbiased to be stronger than Vera Dickson’s Triumph.” President Blanchard, of Wheaton, w rites: “I wish th at every young man and woman in the world m ight read it.” Specifications and prices same as for “Vera Dickson’s Triumph.” ' 12mo, 128 pages, illustrated. Two edi­ tions; paper covers, art stock, two col­ ots, extended edges, 35 cents n et; fine cloth, title in two inks, 75 cents net. THE BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASSOCIATION 810 N. L a , Salle Street, Chicago Good News for Russia Being the Printed Report of First General Conference for the Evan­ gelization of Russia Held in Chicago, June 24-28, 1918 Refresh your soul by reading these stir­ ring addresses on one of America’s great­ est opportunities in Christian Service. About 250 (5j^x8J^ inch) pages, well printed and indexed, mailed to your ad­ dress for 60 cents; 10 copies for $5.00. Cloth-bound copies, $1.00 each, ¡i Please order now. Edition limited. THE BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASSOCIATION, Publishers 810 N. La Salle Street, Chicago


W rite us, saying a b o u t how m uch, a n d we w ill gladly answ er telling how y o u m ay profitably em ploy these odd h o u rs in C h ris­ tia n w o rk to y o u r a n d others* a d ­ v an tag e. T h e p lan is a tried and p ra ctic a l one a d ap ted to every p lace a n d all ages. T h e Bible In stitu te C o lp o rtag e A ss’n 810 N orth La Salle S treet, C hicago


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