KEYS TO EVERY BOOK SUMMARIZED BIBLE (Bc ^ d)By Rev. K. L Brooks SEVEN THINGS ABOUT EACH BOOK OF THE BIBLE 1. The Author. 2. Approximate Date. 3. Key thought. 4. Number of chapters. 5. Key Verse. 6. How Jesus Christ is Presented. 7. Conclusion of the Book; a brief statement summarizing the spiritual teaching. COMPLETE SUMMARY OF EACH CHAPTER IN THE BIBLE 1. Summary of the contents in brief. 2. List of Leading Characters mentioned. 3. List of the Strong Verses for Memory Verses: 4. Key Word. 5. Conclusion; a brief statement summarizing the spiritual teaching of the. entire chapter. 3. Striking Facts, emphasizing especially the types and sym bols which portray Christ, and showing how Christ appears in the chapter. THE USES OF THIS WORK -• ' 1. Its chief purpose is to stimulate Christians to take up the chapter method of Bible reading. It will act as an aid to them in gatheripg into a nut shell as it were, the definite spiritual lessons for the daily life contained in each chapter. 2. It may be used as a devotional help for daily Bible reading. A chapter a day may be read, noting the spiritual conclusions stated in the summary. These conclusions contain most helpful sayings, calculated to drive home in a striking way the real lesson of the chapter. The “Striking Facts” will center the reader's thoughts upon Jesus Christ, and the “Strong Verses” may be taken as promises for the day or as memory verses. 3. It may be used as a text book for teaching chapter summary work. 4. It will be found valuable as a reference work. Old and New Testaments, one volume in cloth, $1.50 New Testament, paper binding, 50c Old Testament, paper binding, 75c KEY S TO EVERY CHAPTER
BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute of Los Angeles
Los Angeles, Cal.
536-558 S. Hope St.
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