2015 Annual Report - El Paso Police Department


The City of El Paso ’ s “ Shape it Up ” fitness program was kicked off in September at the El Paso Police Academy. The program is available to all city employees who are eligible to enroll in the City ’ s health plan. The City of El Paso will pay up to $150.00 monthly based on the overall average fitness score of six physical fitness tests or the alternative biometric tests. Employees from various city departments attended the kickoff event along with the El Paso Chihuahuas Triple A baseball team mascot “ Chico ”, and the City of El Paso mascot “ Amigo Man ”.

Physical Fitness Tests

1) 1.5 Mile Run

2) 1 Repetition Maximum Bench Press

3) Sit Up (1 min)

4) Push Up (1 min)

Biometric Tests

1) Tobacco Use

2) Body Fat %

3) Systolic BP

4) Diastolic BP

5) Waist Measurement

6) Cholesterol/HDL Ratio

7) LDL

8) Triglycerides


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