2015 Annual Report - El Paso Police Department

Message from the Chief

A feeling of safety and security is vital to the economic growth and prosperity of any city. In order to achieve this, the citizens and police department must maintain a relationship and continue to work together as a team. Working in this manner, our conjoined efforts have a stronger and longer lasting impact on crime. This year ’ s annual report shows that our sustained relationship with the community has continued the momentum in the reduction of crime. As we begin another year, we find that our city remains among the safest in the nation. Last year came to a close with a 7% overall decrease in Part 1 Index Crimes. This is all the more impressive considering this was accomplished in light of an increase in our city ’ s population and maintaining the same or less police department personnel. This accomplishment could only be attained through the corroborative efforts of our citizens and the dedicated hard work of the members of our police department. I am committed to continuing this partnership as I keep the safety of all persons in the City of El Paso a top priority. I look forward to 2016 as an even more prosperous and safe year for the City of El Paso and all its residents.

Gregory K. Allen

Chief of Police


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