Why You Need to Keep Up With Trends, Not Fads
1. Is this emerging need likely to grow and to sustain itself over time? 2. Is the emerging need based mostly on novelty? 3. Is the need based on political, economic, societal, or technological changes? 4. Will what’s happening shift behaviors or create new needs, new markets, or new customer segments? It can be really tempting to jump onboard with fads, but you don’t want to build your business on something that isn’t sustainable. Look for trends that lead to new markets and learn how you can fill those needs in the long term.
Do you remember fidget spinners? Those small, pinwheel-like toys claimed to improve focus by channeling users’ excess energy. Last summer, fidget spinners were a worldwide craze. In May of 2017, fidget spinners appeared in every single slot of Amazon’s top 20 best-seller list for toys. Then, just as quickly as they appeared, their popularity vanished. By October, an eBay listing sported 50,000 premium metal fidget spinners for a total price of $2,500. At one point, those fidget spinners would have sold for at least $15 each. Now, the eBay seller was willing to take a measly 5 cents per spinner just to get rid of them.
More often than not, companies that try to ride the success of a fad end up taking a big loss. They’re left with overstock they can’t get rid of. Trends, however, change the marketplace by shifting the way consumers buy, and over time, they can alter the products and services customers demand. In 2017, livestreaming on social media rocketed into popularity. For years, consumers have sought to participate with the brands and businesses they support. As video content gained steam, livestreaming became the ultimate way to allow genuine real-time engagement. Major brands like Disney and BuzzFeed invested a lot of time in livestreaming last year and earned billions of views within 30 days of posting new content. To tell the difference between a trend and a fad, Jeffery Phillips, senior consultant at OVO Innovation, recommends asking these four questions: During this procedure, a tiny incision is made in the gums to expose the bone and surrounding inflamed tissue. With a skilled hand, the oral surgeon removes the damaged tissue and a small part of the root tip. To prevent reinfection, a root- end filling is placed and sutures are placed on the gums. The tooth is then left to heal naturally over a few months and regain full function. Endodontic surgery can be useful to diagnose problems, particularly if a patient has chronic symptoms but no problems appear on their X-ray. In some instances, calcium deposits may have made a canal too narrow for nonsurgical equipment, and surgery is required to treat the infected root. Additionally, while a root canal can usually last a lifetime, there are rare occasions when a tooth may not heal fully or become infected. Problems can manifest Why Do I Need Endodontic Surgery?
Collecting dust in warehouses, on store shelves, and atop dollar store checkout
displays, fidget spinners are haunting reminders of the danger of trends. Whether it’s “Pokemon Go” in 2016, Pogs in 1993, or tulips in 1593, fads appear suddenly and generate a lot of consumer demand and attention, but they don’t have lasting impacts on the market as a whole.
What to Tell Your Patient About APICOECTOMY
In most cases, being able to save a damaged tooth is preferable to extraction. Root canals are regularly used to save teeth with injured pulp. However, when nonsurgical treatments are not enough, general dentists have the option to refer their patient to an oral surgeon for an apicoectomy. Being sent to a new doctor for an advanced procedure can be a stressful situation for a patient. Luckily, their dentist or can help alleviate their concerns immensely by providing them with valuable information before their consultation. Here are some common questions patients have about apicoectomy.
months or years after treatment. In these scenarios, endodontic surgery is necessary to save the tooth.
How Long Is the Recovery Time?
After surgery, there may be some discomfort and swelling as the incision heals. The oral surgeon will prescribe the appropriate pain medication, and patients are recommended to ice the area for 10–12 hours and take it easy. You should be able to return to your regular routine within a few days. Patients should expect a post-surgical check two weeks after surgery, and then again in six months for a recall examination. When general dentists, orthodontists, and oral surgeons are all able to give patients the same information, it makes the dental process infinitely easier.
What Is an Apicoectomy?
The most common endodontic surgery to save damaged teeth is an apicoectomy.
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