2014 Annual Report - El Paso Police Department


Central Regional Command

The Central Regional Command Center (CRCC) is located in the heart of downtown El Paso. Within its boundaries are three of the four interna Ɵ onal U.S./Mexico ports of entry and the downtown business districts. The o ffi cers and detec Ɵ ves assigned serve approximately 123,000 residents plus the daily in fl ux of ci Ɵ zens and visitors who work or shop in the area on a daily basis. Due to the downtown addi Ɵ on of Southwest University Park, home to the new Triple ‐ A baseball team El Paso Chihuahuas, CRCC was tasked with addi Ɵ onal responsibili Ɵ es of planning and sta ffi ng security and tra ffi c control. The responsibili Ɵ es were carried out in collabora Ɵ on with other organiza Ɵ ons like the Texas Department of Transporta Ɵ on, the El Paso Department of Transporta Ɵ on, Mountain Star Entertainment, El Paso Parks and Recrea Ɵ on, the Downtown Management District, other Police Regional Commands, and various other city en ƟƟ es. As a result of the teamwork, the inaugural season was a success and laid the groundwork for safe and enjoyable baseball seasons and special events to come. CRCC is forecas Ɵ ng future needs in line with addi Ɵ onal downtown visitors and new business growth. Despite the addi Ɵ onal in fl ux of visitors to the downtown area, CRCC achieved a 6% decrease in crime this past year. This can be a Ʃ ributed to the ongoing coopera Ɵ ve e ff ort between CRCC sta ff and ci Ɵ zens, business owners, and other city en ƟƟ es. CRCC o ffi cers also had the opportunity to provide security and tra ffi c control services for major evening events and concerts such as “Music Under the Stars”, movie screenings at the Plaza Theater, marathons, parades, museum events, and protec Ɵ on of age ‐ old architectural and historical buildings found in the downtown area.

Pictures courtesy of Jordan Foster Construc Ɵ on Brian Kano ff photographer.

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